About Me

Hey there!

My name is Jessica Mills, but in the hiking world people call me “Dixie.” Although I was born in Florida, I ‘grew up’ in Opelika, AL. I spent the majority of my summers with my grandparents who were backyard gardeners that grew up on farms. At a young age, I developed a love for the outdoors. Watching TV is never a desire of mine, unless it i1235015_10102414913815221_3338492828396707051_ns football season–War Eagle! I graduated from Auburn University in 2012 with a degree in Biosystems Engineering and a minor in Agronomy and Soils.

For a year and a half I was a resident of Colorado and it was an amazing experience! I resigned from my job there and began my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in March 2015. Although that journey ended in October 2015 when I summited Mt. Katahdin, it was only the beginning to a new chapter of my life. I am currently thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and have my sights set on the Continental Divide Trail next year in 2018.

I am an advocate of being outdoors as I feel we can learn a lot about ourselves and life in general while out in nature. Whether it’s taking an evening stroll, catching lightning bugs or gardening, I think everyone can benefit from smelling the roses now and then!

If you have any questions about hiking/backpacking, check out my informational videos on YouTube!

Happy Trails 🙂

Jessica “Dixie” Mills



  1. Greg

    Hey! I have enjoyed watching some of your adventures on you tube… Keep it up! Wish I could just drop everything and go sometimes 🙂
    Go gators!

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Greg! Haha, you can. Just plan it and do it!

      • Robert

        Hi Jessica

        Your videos are fantastic. Really inspiring stuff and you’re such a friendly enthusiastic and smart girl. Wish I could try the AT and PCT myself someday – but will be great fun to follow along with you on the journey. Rob

      • Kamryn umphrey

        Dear Jessica I love your videos and Im 10 years old and I love to hike as well you’re my favorite. I am going on the Appalachian trail .

        Love your vids

        • Jessica

          Hey Kamryn! I’m so glad to hear we have something in common 🙂 Hiking is the best! I can’t wait to hear about your trip on the AT one day. Keep that dream alive 🙂

          • Bill

            Hello Dixie. it was great talking with you and Marde on your road hike this afternoon. I was the guy in the white pickup truck. What a surprise to meet you after following all your videos and adventures. please keep them coming. Safe travels to you both!!

          • Kevin

            Dixie, for Amazon purchases thru Dixie az, you mention receiving compensation for “qualifying purchases”. Does it have to be for products you’ve reviewed or can I channel all my Amazon purchases through your site to benefit/support you?

          • Jessica

            Hey there! You can do all of your purchases 🙂 Thank you so much!

        • Rick

          Hi Jessica, I I think you’re great wish more girls we’re like you. So I can hike with them on hikes you’re the best.

          • Michael

            Jessica, what’s next in your travels?

        • Gary Peterson

          Hey there. I’ve been binge watching your YouTube channel lately. Really like it. I’ve done some backpacking over the years and a ton of multi day ultra marathon events. Anyway, was wondering if you still recommend the showa gloves for rain and if so where do you purchase them? I can only find the N1 in bulk quantities and I’m not keen on spending over $100 for nitrate gloves. Thanks

      • MarkChavez

        I’m almost done with your PCT vidios I love it keep it up!Looking forward to CDT!

        • MarkChavez

          Have all ready seen your vidios cool! Inspiration to me well! I’m going to start hiking um my home town la luz trail look it up its cool up and down from there to start alb nm! Your so cool!You make me smile!

          • Lee Davis

            You go girl! Love your videos and the way you are… You’re awesome. Stay safe.

          • Katie

            Dixie, my boyfriend Ben is about to do the Appalachian trail in two days. He is incredibly prepared and is a big fan of yours. As the trail is approaching he is getting quite nervous, and I was wondering if you had any advice for him. Thanks in advance, Katie

          • Marc Fantich

            Hi. Yep m brand new At this and I’m following you on YouTube… And you mentioned clicking below so you can get credit for it whenever I order something from Amazon or other outfitters… Can you please explain to me how it is and how it works I’m trying to order some things and I want you to get the credit for leading me to that product. thank you

      • brian

        great input to start!

      • Eric n Holly keck

        You are a very inspiring woman me and my wife just started hiking and back pack hammock camping and we love it

      • Deborah Geier

        Did you ever run into a hiker that went by, mostly harmless?

      • Dave

        So when is the television show? Those guys on ROCK the PARKS are a pair of sissies compared to you not to mention an entire society needs a course on what it takes to succeed in life.

      • Tony Falco

        Have you ever seen people with disabilities thru hike I have a steel rod and nails holding my leg I can walk but not sure if I can do this

      • Leigha

        Hi Dixie I love watching your videos!! I send them to all my friends that might be wanting a change and didn’t know it. What’s your snapchat. I’ve been using it lately and can’t find you. Your awesome keep on keeping on 🙂

      • Laurie Moore

        Hi Jessica, would you consider hiking the 24000 km , 15000 mile Great Trail in Canada. It would take you to the Pacific, Arctic, and Pacific Oceans? You would see some of the most amazing floral and fauna and scenery, that will blow your mind! I have seen many of the places, in bits of pieces, of course, but to do the entire hike would be epic! And, you are just the girl to do it! Every Canadian would have your back the whole way…ps it is the longest hike in the world. It is worth its own crown!

        • Laurie Moore


        • Laurie Moore


      • Deborah Lake

        Your utubes are amazing. Informative and honest. I have been completely absorbed in them. You are considered, daring, determined and free spirited. Hopefully there is another challenge ahead we can get to enjoy. Well done!!

      • Beth

        I didn’t see a way to email/contact you on your website, so I hope you will see this comment: just an FYI that your affiliate link to Amazon is not working.

      • Rick Smith

        Jessica, have you considered a Boundry Waters canoe trip.

    • John

      I just finished your PCT series. I enjoyed them very much. I did a couple of day hikes on the PCT this year handing out snacks to thru hikers. I’m old enough to be your grandfather, but I set a goal this year to hike 500 miles. We hiked mostly in the North Cascades. I have 8 miles to go.
      I will definitely be out on other sections of the PCT next year and am looking forward to your CDT adventures.

      • Jessica

        Oh my goodness that is WONDERFUL to hear! You’re a prime example of why people’s age is simply an excuse. Glad you’re enjoying the trail and congrats on your accomplishment 🙂

        • Mary Miller

          Jessica (Dixie), I wanted to just stop by and say Hi! I am 58 with cerebral palsy and managed (sadly until my health changed) to hike up to the base of half dome with a spotter twice (my muscles literally are spastic enough to cause me to FALL downhill rather than walk. I used to hike almost weekly and did the marathon walks for the March of Dimes back in the day.

          Gosh, watching your through hikes have been like a great tonic for both my husband (also CP) and self. Just wanted to share that with you. And your footwear review was very well received by Altra (I called them directly to find the right footwear having plantar fasciitis), they laughed and wanted me to say “Hi Dixie!” Anyway, great folks. Your videos help! PS how’s the weather been for you????? I have often been a bit concerned about AT hikers right now with the hurricanes, etc. (do I miss hiking? yup!)

          So it’s a vicarious hiking experience for us, and it has seriously kept us sane being mostly housebound, thank you!

          • Sara T (SoulDevoured)

            Hi Mary! Fellow hiker with a list of health issues here. First of all I support you and your husband getting out there as you can and enjoying nature as your body may allow you too. I find being able to live vicariously through people like Dixie helps me alot too when I’m laid up for extended periods of time. Second as far as I know the AT is fine! Thankfully the Appalachian Mountains are generally far enough inland to not be much effected by hurricanes other than blow downs which happen with thunderstorms anyway. The odd snow/ice cycle lately as well as record rainfall this past year has effected the area worse I would say but not really hard on the hikers except needing to take extra precaution for the conditions.

            2018 would not have been a great year to hike the AT but it’s still there and so are the hikers!

            I’d compare it to the year Dixie hiked the PCT, a challenge with that record snowfall and wildfires, but still doable.

            Here’s to hoping the weather cycles will start to even out and the next couple years will be easier.

          • Jonathan morris

            Your questions asked video really took me back. In 1991 a recent thru hiker sold t shirts with the answers to the top 10 questions printed on them. Just hilarious. Hikerhobbit, GA >ME 1991 , GA>ME 1994.

          • jason Bone

            Love your videos! I’ve been using you for research. Whats your favorite tent list?

      • Daniel Miller

        Jessica, my son, 23, my daughter, 21, and I, 51, have really enjoyed watching your YouTube videos. I raised my kids to love the outdoors and when I discovered your channel I immediately sent links to them. All three of us have watched your journeys along the Appalachian trail, The Pacific Crest trail, and the Continental divide trail. We live for the outdoors and have found your videos inspirational,
        Entertaining, and informative. thank you for sharing your adventures with all of us.

    • Craig

      Been watching you for a few years now. Dig the reviews and all things hiking that you do.

    • Mark Robertson


      I watched your new video on trail runner hiking shoes and you complained that they did not stay tied. It appears that you need a lesson in how to tie shoes the military way. First, knot the end of the laces. Then do a normal tie for shoe laces, just as you were taught as a child. Afterwards, pull the loops until the knots at the end of the laces rest against the bow tie for the laces. Finally, tuck the loops and the laces will not come untied, even if they are pulled or become snagged. If you have any questions, you can call 850-461-3665. My wife and I live on the Panhandle section of the Florida Trail near Eglin Air Force Base and Nouse Plantation, just off Hwy 331. We would love to bless you with trail magic. Keep up the good work. Happy trails. Email me if you need to see a picture of the military knot for shoe laces.

    • Johnny peters

      Dixie you need a new tent. That night in Washington state would have been more pleasant with one that didn’t leak. Enjoy your video’s!

    • john cottingham

      Please , if it is not too prying, keep us up on relationships . Kind of accustomed to Kyle.Then watched Pinhote episode and Marty was a surprise.Welcome Marty,lucky guy.Please be careful with this lady, girl ,Amazon that she is.GREAT you tube adventures.Cheering you on.Can you do the Arizona and grand canyon for us or did I miss it?Thanks. John.Oh yes,is your book in print and how much for an autographed copy?

      miss it

    • Louisa Naylor

      Congratulations on your Florida Trail completion you’re truly a Florida Hiking Cracker ! Inspiration and mentor for many of us…. natives to get out and learn the secrets of our wild Florida. 🕷🌴🐗🐊🐍

    • Mark

      Jessica are you planning to do any up walks like the Pennines way or the coast to coast, or even the Walsh coast trail. Just wondering.

      • Mark


  2. Sonny


    I have been following your post on the AT for the past couple of months. Great to see you on your way to achieve such a lofty challenge. I appreciate your independence and drive to accomplish such a feat. I had a triple bypass 2 years ago and I will be 60 next month. I believe the age your dad would have been. And as a side note I have a daughter your age also. I have always followed the “correct path”. Following college I went into the USMC and then went into business and have always worked six days a week trying to support my family’s lifestyle and working hard as business demands. If I had set out to do the AT after college I don’t know if I could have ever settled into a confining lifestyle of personal responsibility that I have had for the past 40 years. Now I found myself wanting to do something really awesome such as you are right now. I have been secretly desiring to through hike the AT. And now A Walk in the Woods comes out this weekend and I feel its a sign for me to figure this out before its too late. So I have enjoyed living vicariously through your blogs and wish you the best of luck on the trail and where ever your life leads your from here.

    • Secret Agent

      Just curious, in the past 5 years, if you’ve done any significant hikes?

      I’m going to be 65 this summer, and can’t wait to retire!! Last summer I started hiking the Long Trail in VT on weekends, and I hope finish this year. I hadn’t ever planned on hiking the AT, but am reconsidering as I’ve been inspired by others, including Dixie.

      I’m probably the slowest hiker out there but at least I’m doing It! Like you, I’ve always done everything I was supposed to do in the prescribed manner (except college which I started at 29 & finished at 35).

      Would love to hear where you’re at now.

      • Titmouse

        Secret Agent,
        I am the slowest hiker out there. Would love to do some short hikes (5-10 days) on the AT. I am female, retired and 67!

        • Secret Agent

          Hey Titmouse, I would be interested in talking more about that. The one area that I’m short of a hiking companion would be the mid-Atlantic area – like MD,PA, NJ, and some of New England like CT & MA.

      • ATpotential

        I am secretly contemplating the AT, maybe start with the long trail. I am currently completely out of shape for this but a year maybe a little more and I hope to be in better physical standings. I would like to talk with you about your journey. My father, who has passed now, did the AT in 1983. I remember him doing it and talking about it but at the time I was too young to understand what the purpose was. I love the outdoors and know so much from spending time with my father in the woods. My heart longs for this experience but I am concerned about my wherewithal to complete it.

    • Brenda Greenfield

      Hi Jessica
      Just wandering, how many times have you walked the Appalachian trail? I turned 70 this year and I’m thinking about walking it. I don’t have great balance! How much of an issue is that?

  3. Mindy Crider

    Enjoyed the videos….. do you think you’ll ever do it again if Life allows? – you rocked on that trail 🙂

    • Jessica

      Mindy, thank you! If I hike a long distance trail again I would pick a new one. The AT is awesome, but there are so many others!

  4. Kevin Hoag

    Thanks for sharing your adventure ,you have inspired me to section hike the AT wish I could do a thru hike but that’s not possible.
    It’s been great watching you on the trail. You Go Girl????

    • Jessica

      Kevin, I think section hiking the trail will be just as, if not more, rewarding! It allows you to spend more time in a specific section and really enjoy it. I’m so glad to hear you are doing it–yay for you! If you have any questions, let me know.

  5. Fred Rose

    I have not seen an update for a while. I hope you doing find and still going strong.


    • Jessica

      I updated just today, but I’m way behind! Hoping to get another one out before hiking out of Rangeley in the morning.

    • Jessica

      But, I am still going strong! Thank you for checking in on me 🙂

    • Mus Ox

      Hi Dixie,
      I watched your informational utube videos while doing gear research and preparing for my 2020 AT thru hike. They gave me the confidence to be my “country girl” self out on the trail. Watching your channel has been great for the trail depression from Covid ending my 1st attempt. They also make me watch from that, what can i learn now after having been out there, to lighten my pack, better my gear, or just don’t do what Dixie did! Thank you for choosing to share yourself, your adventures, and your stories. I look forward to your adventures!
      Sorry for any grammar errors, I’m country and could care less about proof reading! lol You look like a Jessica and sound like a Dixie!
      Ohhhh and GO HEELS!

  6. Paul Liberty

    Glad to see you made the decision to take a zero day and wait until the weather broke, that was a lot of rain! Once you get through the Bigelows you’ll be able to get some 20+ days in. Here’s to your “Lucky Moose” keeping you safe and seeing you through to your journey’s end both physically and mentally. Be well!


    • Jessica

      Hey Paul! Yeah, there is still a ton of water on the trail so I can’t imagine how bad it was that day. Apparently 3 were air lifted from the 100 mile wilderness because they were stranded. Eek! It was great meeting yall! Thanks again for lifting my spirits. My lucky Moose can’t wait to get to Katahdin…and neither can I! Glad you found my blog. Keep in touch!

  7. Kate

    Hi! I really love watching your videos. I’m a city gal(NYC) but I’ve always loved the outdoors. I really appreciate your videos as they show me what really to expect while hiking intense trails. It’s also really nice to follow everyone in the videos. Safe travels 🙂

  8. Mike Terry

    Hey Jessica. I’ve been watching your videos from almost the beginning. You are a true inspiration and have lit a fire up under some 4th points of contact. I just watched update 38 and you seem down. We are all rooting for you. Keep your head up and keep on trucking. It will be great to watch you summit. Be safe.

  9. Dwayne Page

    Jessica, you should be an outdoor host for a television show. Please publish your AT adventure as a book or write a screenplay for a movie. Your video posts are many times better than A Walk in the Woodsl Thank you for sharing this part of your life with the rest of us. It will always be appreciated!

  10. Donald N. Windsor aka SALTY DOG

    Way to go girl !! Chin up & head down. Let the tears flo. It’s all good. You’re 1 tough cookie 🙂 !!

  11. Bob LaForge

    Hi Jessica,
    I would like to congratulate you on completing your AT thru hike and tell you how much I’ve enjoyed following your videos. You have helped inspire me to continue my section hikes all the way to Katahdin.

  12. Donald N. Windsor aka SALTY DOG

    Congrats on your summit!! Much different from mine( I summited 8/15) You are now and forever one tough girl. SALTY DOG

  13. David

    Very entertaining Will join your thru hikers club one day (Lord willing ) congrats !

  14. mark deevey

    hello Jessica, I really enjoyed your youtube channel,thanks .Theres lots of good hiking trails in Canada you should try, enjoy life…….. Mark

  15. Bill

    Brilliant videos, my wife and I binged watch them during the winter storm this weekend from chili south Florida. Loved your unpretentious advice and genuine emotion, congrats to Whitney on the production. My adult children joined me for sections of the John Muir and High Sierra trails this past summer and hope you can at least get a section in during 2016. Looking forward to your PCT videos, set up a fund my hike site so your fans can support your next thru hike… Love Buddha Bill and Mountain Laurel.

    • Jessica

      Hey there! Great to hear from y’all and thank you for your kind words. I am going to set up a patreon page to link to my blog and vlog. Hopefully I can raise enough to hit the PCT by 2017. I would love to also do the John Muir. I bet that was great to do and enjoy with your children.

  16. Michael White


    Just a note to let you know how much I have enjoyed watching your AT adventure. I discovered your YouTube channel as a result of looking for gear to assist in planning for some section hiking of the Florida Trail in 2016. I guess I was drawn to your videos for a couple of reasons, 1 . You sound exactly like my daughter-in-law who is from Cumming Ga. And 2. I once attended Auburn for 2 weeks (long story) lol.
    I do have a question. My wife and I have about a 10 day window in May and may tackle a Section of the AT, we are in Florida within easy driving distance of the southern half. If you only had 10 days what would you choose to hike ?


    • Jessica

      Hey there! That’s sounds awesome. I would love to do some of the Florida Trail. Let me know how it goes. As far as your question about the AT…McAfee Knob is very pretty and you could do a 2 day stretch from Catawba, VA to Daleville, VA. Checkout update #13. Maybe also do the Grayson Highlands and Mt. Rogers (the high point of VA). For that check out update #10. Maybe you could mix the two given you have 10 days. If you want to go more southern…you could do the entire smoky mountains! Those are all 3 beautiful sections of the AT. Let me know what y’all decide.

  17. Robin Armes

    Just watched all of your vlogs…SO inspiring!!! Want to take my daughter and section hike. It really got us excited to get out there. I noticed that you started with a hammock and tarp, which is my plan. I’ve used it on short hikes and have been comfortable but want to make sure I’m prepared for a longer hike. What made you switch to a tent? I would love to hear your opinion since you experienced both. Thanks again for sharing your adventure with us.☺️

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Robin! I swapped to the tent because it was lighter and I like to be able to cook while laying down in my sleeping bag. I can even do so while raining under my vestibule. I like being able to change clothes in my tent. It’s all about personal preference! I know lots of people who hammock camped the whole AT. Glad to hear you and your daughter are hitting the trail soon! Happy Trails 🙂

      • Marcos Reyes

        Jessica, have you ever had any issues with mice (or bears :-)) chewing up your gear because your tent and everything smells like delicious cooking?

  18. Fin

    What did you use for a food bag? What method was used most often for bear bagging?

  19. Scott

    Hi Jessica – I absolutely loved the YouTube videos, the journey looks amazing! I am actually just moved down to the Charlotte NC for work(and selfishly to be closer to the mountains) and was wondering if you knew of any hiking groups down there that i could link up with. I am also planning on Thru-hiking the AT March 2017. My biggest concern (aside from the unknown!) is after the hike. What is life like after the AT? In other words is it hard coming back to the work lifestyle again?

    • Amber Rhoads

      Hey Jessica! Love your videos! My husband and I would give anything to do what you are doing…but, how do you get the funds to do that? It’s obviously not free or we would already have done it. You can’t just not have a home to come back to. So how do you afford not having a job?

      • Jessica

        Hey Amber! Good question and I aim to do a video on this before long. I essentially have several income trickles and I live below my means. I have income from my ebook, Amazon Affiliate Links, YouTube and Patreon. It’s taken quite a while to build up but slowly but surely my hikes are funding themselves. I do still work part-time between trails. I live a very simple, non-fancy life. I cook at home a lot, don’t spend a ton of money on material things, I don’t have healthcare, and I drive the same old cruddy truck I have since high school. Again, I will go into more of this on an upcoming video!

        • Amber

          Thanks so much for the feedback! You are very open and honest which is very refreshing:-) I look forward to all of you videos and really appreciate them more than you know. Have an amazing New Year!

      • Jessica

        Hey Amber! Thank you so much for watching! I’m sorry I’m just responding. I actually recently made a video on this topic:


  20. Chad

    I live in Alabama. Have you ever hiked the Pinhoti? What are your favorite trails in Alabama?

    • Jessica

      I have not, but I want to! Have you?

    • Jessica

      I have hiked a few near lake Martin that I love. One is the Deadening Alpine Ridge Trail.

  21. Tom

    Hello Jessica, I’ve been watching you you tube video about the AT. I’ve always have wanted to do it so now i’m going to, hopefully March 2107. I live in Naples FL and am going to get prepared on the Florida Trail. Did you do any preparing before your adventure? also how many day food supply should I have at all times? Thank You Tom (trail Name will be TBone)

    • Jessica

      Hey there! I did not do any prepping other than day hikes. But, I would recommend it just because it will help you feel more confident in your abilities when you get out there. It’s always a good idea to test your gear! The amount of food will depend on how far away each town is. I never carried more than 7 days of food. Usually closer to 3-5. I would recommend AWOL’s Guide Book for mileages. Thank you for following along and let me know if you have any more questions!

  22. Tom

    Thank you for your reply. 🙂

  23. Gary Frechette

    Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for posting the videos of your hike. You did a very good job, and provide great detail. You are very interesting to listen to, and if you write a book (you mentioned an e-book) I’d love to read it.
    Your gear video is very informative, and I plan to review it with my daughter, Joy, who has been bitten by the AT Hiking bug. We did a few hikes around Grafton Notch, Maine last year (we live in South Paris, Maine), and she fell in love with hiking. I now have a new hiking partner. :o)
    I looked for the link to your gear list, but did n’t see it anywhere. I’ll check back soon, because I might have missed it.
    Thanks again for sharing your information.

    Gary F.
    PS (If I’m allowed to choose my own trail name, it will likely be ‘Stover’ – my deceased son’s (Russell) nickname – as in Russell ‘Stover’ candies).

    • Jessica

      Hey there, Stover! You can absolutely choose your own name. And what a wonderful way to honor your son. Thank you for reminding me that I never posted my list! I will get on that immediately. I think it’s wonderful that y’all have been out on the AT. Once it gets in your blood, it’s there for life. I’m still working on the e-book, but will hopefully be done soon! Thank you for visiting the blog and vlog. If you have any questions, let me know!

      • Judy

        Have you ever thought about doing the NCT? We are just getting i to hiking and live in Michigan and are going to do part of it next summer. The UP part of it is beautiful!

  24. John

    Hi Jessica,

    I really enjoyed following along on your AT trip. I’m curious to know how you made out with respect to deer ticks and Lyme disease. I’m a day hiker in NJ and am considering doing some section hiking, but a friend got Lyme disease and still suffers greatly from it, so I’m a bit freaked out. Here in the northeast it is really common. It would seem almost unavoidable when thru hiking the AT. Also, bears in NJ are usually really common. How did you make out with the bears? Thanks.

    • Jessica

      Hey John! Thank you 🙂

      I only had 2 ticks on or near me that I saw. One was crawling up my leg (not attached) and the other was on my pack. I had no issues. However, I know people who did. I don’t prefer to treat my body or gear with poison, but it is an option. Just personal preference.

      As far as bears go, I definitely ran across an aggressive one. I saw 7 total and only had issues with one. Most people did not have a negative experience. Read up on bear safety and how to react when you see one. It really depends on the situation, though. Just NEVER approach or run from a bear. Let it know when you see it and you are in its presence. Try to appear big…not like you are scared. But, don’t be overly aggressive, either.

      Hope that helps!

  25. jeremy britto

    Hello Jessica,
    My name is Jeremy Britto, I am an affiliate account representative at AvantLink. I recently came across your application in our pending files and wanted to reach out to see if you were still interested in joining the AvantLink affiliate network.
    If so, please reply to this message indicating your application ID [336818] and with copy reading “I’m excited to work with AvantLink!”
    Thank you for your interest in our network!

    • Jessica

      Jeremy, yes! I am still interested. I couldn’t get it to work before for some reason. Anyway, here is what you requested:

      “I’m Excited to work with AvantLink!:

      Thanks for contacting me.

  26. Jeremy

    Just got introduced to your AT vlog. Very informative!!! Loved the gear reviews. I’ve always wanted to hike the AT. Just something about it that I want to conquer. Only have one hike thru trail here in Texas. It’s flat and wanders through a national forest. Hiking the AT would be a completely different animal from the physical standpoint, logistics and the amount of time one would need to complete it. Being an Aggie, I don’t want to be hiking the AT during football season ????????. Again, thanks for such an informative vlog on the AT! I am definitely using your vlog when I plan my AT hike.

  27. Rhonda

    You are my inspiration to follow my dream and love. I grew up in Tennessee and spent many of hours in the Great Smoky Mountains hiking the trails. Many of those trails crossed the AT and I always wondered about the experiences people were having on that trail, but never had the chance to hike any of it before my family moved to Ohio. I get to Tennessee as often as I can with my husband and still have that urge to hike the AT. Finally after running across your youtube videos and getting hooked on your adventure, reading many books about the AT. I have told my husband that within 5 years I’m hiking the AT as a thru hiker. He only wants to do sections, but that’s fine, he can and I’ll see him on his next section.
    Thank You for sharing your experiences on the AT.

  28. Matt

    Hi Jessica, I recently lost 50 pounds thru diet and exercise and have been doing small 2 and 3 day hikes here in Kentucky. Because of my job I can’t do a full thru hike of the trail but I could do up to 3 weeks at a time every year. Do you think its worth it, breaking it up like that?

  29. REB

    I just finished watching your entire AT hike on my time up here in Sylva, NC. What a pleasure. Can you please share what you used to do all the wonderful filming and how you recharged?

    • Sergio Murillo

      Hey Dixie.

      Native costarrican here. I have been watching your YouTube Chanel everyday. I used to backpack the jungles of Costa Rica in my youth.
      Now relocated in Pueblo Colorado.
      Life has taken a detour and Now I have severe glaucoma. Thinking of picking up where I left backpacking off since my youth.
      I have checked your videos but there is limited information about backpacking with disabilities.
      Just food for thought.

  30. John Roszel

    Hey Dixie, I wanted to let you know that you’ve re-ignited a desire that my wife and I used to share. We spent many days tent camping in her home state of Colorado, (as well as my less adventurous home of KS) and had hiked with packs, a number of Colorado’s 14ers, but bad never done any overnight backpacking. We had aspirations, however, of thru hiking the AT. Unfortunately, in 2012 at the young age of 33, she was killed by an intoxicated driver. We had purchased a couple of cheap backpacking packs…but still had not used them to their fullest. They’ve been in storage since her passing. I stumbled across your vids. You remind me of her in many ways. Seeing you conquer a lifelong dream inspired me to revisit some of those that she and I shared. I’ve dusted the cobwebs off of those cheap packs, and am planning on doing some short trips in Colorado next year with some family members. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless, and keep it up!

  31. Vic Sorenson

    What camera do you use for your videos? Thanks

  32. Rick White

    After watching at least 40 of the 43 vlogs of your AT thru-hike, I wanted to let you know I found them entertaining, informative and inspirational. I live in Oklahoma, a long way from any point on the AT, but for 4 long years, I lived about 15 miles north of the lowest elevation on the Trail (Bear Mountain Bridge). I graduated from West Point in 1992; I got a kick out of the update where you visited the Academy. Was the building with the flags and memorials Cullum Hall? How did you get on the field at Michie Stadium?? You must know people. Or maybe someone in the Athletic Dept is a Youtube fan?? Or is Rebel Yell secretly an Army grad??

    Thanks for helping people think bigger than themselves and their circumstances. You’ve got me pondering how I can get away from my job for 6 months. ????

    Hope to hear back from you.

    Rick White

  33. Lawrence

    I have enjoyed watching your videos during my preparation of hopefully doing the AT myself

  34. Johnny M


    Loving you your you tube stuff really useful. I’m UK based and seriously considering taking out some time and doing the AT or may the PCT. Found your stuff good. I’m moving from boots to trail shoes so be interesting to see how that works. Just a suggestion. If you haven’t replaced your poles yet, take a look at pacer poles, designed by a physio, really good poles.

  35. Rich

    Hi Dixie,
    Growing up in NJ and camping and hiking in NY, NJ,PA and Maine I learned of the AT at an early age. Through hiking the AT has always been a dream of mine. Of course life can get in the way and it has but I never gave up on it and when I came accross your story I followed it and lived it vicariously through you as you set out and conquered your challenge. I am still going to through hike and I wanted to thank you for re-kindling the spark. I look forward to you hiking the PCT! God Bless

  36. Leo Wolf

    Hey Jessica:
    I’ve got a idea for a new video.
    How about one on vlogging. Cameras people use. Programs and the processes that a person would have to go through from start to finish. Like taking the pictures downloading to a computer editing, then uploading to the you tube. Just an idea, I’m interested in how this was done.
    Videos were great….
    I’m interested in helping hikers on the trail out. Do you have any ideas?

  37. Quang

    Hey Jess-

    My wife and I enjoyed following your journey. Ever thought about doing the Pacific Crest Trail here in the Westcoast?

  38. Theodore (Ted) French, aka "risingson"

    Hello H. W. Dixie,

    Just returned to watch a couple portions of your recent vids after watching a couple of yours after your A.T. completion. I’m happy to see your transformation taking place, which I commented on back then. You see Jessica, it’s not really “wanderlust”, it’s an awesome awakening! It’s a “coming back alive” journey you’re experiencing and I see your enthusiasm growing, along with your confidence. You look and sound so much better than your A.T. start video at Springer Mt.

    One comment though, instead of searching something to fall back on, one should seek a good goal, and there truly is just only one…..

  39. WEDGE

    Dixie, Really liked the ‘Do You Need a Gun on the Appalachian Trail?’ video. Alot of common sense and the obvious need of personal responsibility brought to the fore. A person’s personal protection and safety IS their own responsibility. You touched upon the laws in each state and for further research. Plus, using the good judgement the Lord gave us (my paraphrasing).

    I hope and pray one day my back will be well enough to hike the AT-your videos and explanation really bring out the beauty. Thank you so much for sharing!

  40. Brian

    Caught your videos on YouTube. You’ve given me the idea for what might be my last great adventure. Assuming I’m still physically able when I retire, I may give this a try. Thank you and good luck on your next trip.

  41. Allen Bennett

    Jessica, I just wanted to let you know that I was very inspired by your video Cross the Line. I shared it on my Facebook and directly with my family members. For several decades I have wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail. I just turned 59 years old last month. I finally decided I’m going to do it this spring. My 13 year old son is going with me. All of my family is solidly behind us and giving us tons of encouragement. I know this will probably be the most difficult thing we’ve ever done in our lives . Both for those of us who are on the trail and those who are staying behind at home . We have a very tight-knit family I know it will be difficult not seeing them for such a long period of time . The longest I’ve ever been away from my family is 2 weeks . I’m sure five or six months will feel like an eternity but we’re going to do it . Thank you for your inspiration .

    • Jessica

      Allen, thank you so much for sharing this story with me! I’m so glad to hear you have a good support system behind you. Way to go for deciding to go for it–cross the line!! 🙂 If you have any questions during your preparation let me know. Your world is about to change!

      • Allen Bennett

        Thank you so much for your quick response. Wanted to let you know I downloaded your ebook today.

  42. patrick boutette

    Jessica, please pay attention to the building snowpack in the Sierras. Over the past few years, there has been a ‘snow-free’ corridor for much of the PCT, and world-class, experiences hikers have still encountered life threatening conditions. I fear that your confidence and determination will over ride common sense. Please, don’t let commitments to sponsors and friends put your life in jeopardy. We all need you to be there for us in the future.
    youtube fan

    • Jessica

      Hey Patrick! I don’t have any commitments to friends or sponsors, so no pressure there. I appreciate your advice. Thanks!

  43. Rich b

    I just wanted to thank you. I got out of the military earlier this year and started drinking a lot and had kind of given up. Hiking the AT and moving out west have always been two of my biggest dreams and you made it look so easy I figured hell, maybe I can do it. Now I’m saving for a 2018 thru hike and have contacted Montana state university and started the application process to use my GI bill to go to school out west. Life’s still not perfect but I have so much to look forward to now. Sorry if this sounds crazy but I just had to tell you the difference you made in my life.

    • Jessica

      Thank you for sharing this with me! I’m so glad you are turning things around for yourself. You are the only one who controls your life–might as well make it what you want it to be 🙂 Happy trails to you and good luck with school!!

  44. CDJ

    Thank you for sharing your story, I’m the Scoutmaster for a Troop in SE TN and champion backpacking as much as I can. After having a knee replacement the dream of a thru hike on the AT is fading but, I have a few more section hikes left in me! We kick around the idea of a 50 miler for the Troop every year and hope it happens in 2018. If you are ever in the Chattanooga area on a Monday night around 7pm, you are always welcome to stop by to encourage the boys about the virtues of the wilderness and back packing! I am going to post your links to our site. Maybe a couple of them will get the itch.

    • Jessica

      Awww, thank you so much! If y’all decide to do that trek and you have any questions please let me know 🙂 That would be such a wonderful memory for all of you!

  45. Juan

    #trailmiracle I have no idea what your journey was pre-AT and I have no idea if this is an actual trail term, but from recently following your posts it seems with your first steps on Springer Mtn in 2015 you had a Trail Miracle. Thanks for sharing your story, Hike On!

  46. Scott Hinckley

    This may be a question for both you & your video editor. Will you be taking a micro drone along with you on the PCT?

    • Jessica

      I doubt it, although that would be awesome!

  47. Mike Bauer

    Hi Dixie
    I’m a 65 yo AT hiker… Started a flip flop last summer and made it about 2/3 thru before colder weather made me decide to stop for the season . Looking forward to finishing up this season if possible. Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed preparing for my hike by watching your videos and still like following them !
    Invite you to look at my blog at mikectown.com
    God luck with PCT
    White Cloud

    • Jessica

      Mike! Thank you for sharing. i’m glad to hear you will get back out there and finish up this year! CONGRATS! Let me know how it goes 🙂 When do you set out again?

  48. Evan

    Dixie–2 items:
    -I left a comment on one of your wonderful videos about a good friend/Trail Angel who lives with her husband near Campo, CA. Her name is Grace, and I forwarded one of your videos for her to view. She wrote back that they are “always welcoming Thru Hikers here at border base”. Shoot me an email if you want her contact info. I recall a posting where you stated that you didn’t want to just get off the plane and start hiking. Grace and Scott would provide a good transition.
    -I visited your donation site, but I would like to make a “One Time” donation. I didn’t see that option–is it available?
    Thanks, Evan AKA Edog AKA Mr. Clean

    • Jessica

      Wow, Evan, thank you VERY much! This might be something I seriously consider. It’s amazing how kind folks are in the hiking community 🙂 I appreciate your offer to help support my journey–there is a one time option through paypal. As far as I know, all you will have to have is my email which is: homemadewanderlust@gmail.com Also, I believe there is still and option through youtube on the front page of my channel. You’ll see a blue ‘support’ button on the right if you scroll down just a little.

      Thanks again for everything!

      Dixie 🙂

  49. Evan

    RE: One Time Donation…..Done! I used the “Support” button on your YouTube homepage, which accepts a Visa or Debit. Thanks for pointing that method out!

    • Jessica

      Awesome, thank YOU! The PCT honestly wouldn’t have been possible this year without folks like you. I really appreciate it 🙂

  50. John

    Hey Dixie, in between answering questions watering your micro greens putting oil in your truck and feeding your 4 legged children, might I suggest a quick read titled It’s only the Himalyays by S Bedford. I think you’d enjoy it. John

    • Jessica

      Thanks, John! I might have to check that out.

  51. Tony Garbin

    Hey have been watching your vlogs with my wife and almost have her convinced to hike with me in 1.5 yrs. but in the mean time I think we will hike the Buckeye Trail in Ohio it’s only 1440 miles but looks like fun. There are so many other great trails in the Midwest and central states that people can hike ….. maybe have them look into these which might be closer and less expensive to start with. I was a Section hiker back in the 70’s and thought I would get to finish but kids grandkids and other life issues came up. but now I hope to finish the whole trail …. ….

  52. Reid Umphrey

    Dixie, your videos are awesome. You are an inspiration to many people. I am a 56 year old Papa that lives just west of Atlanta. My 10 year old Grandson and I are prepping for a Springer to NC hike by the end of the summer. Big target is a thru hike some day.

    Your amazing dedication to your beloved Dog demonitrates your character. Wow. We too had a Dog that we ended up with at Auburn and he crossed the Rainbow Bridge in their beautiful facility. Sad days.

    Good luck on the PCT. We will be following.

  53. Horace Willis

    I want to say thank you for all you do on social media in talking about your experiences and passing along so much wonderful information. You have become a large part of my inspiration to work hard to do a thru-hike of the AT. As someone else who is from Alabama, I have to say you make us proud to have you. Keep up the good work and good luck and have fun on the PCT.

  54. Charles Marsh

    Dixie, I am wishing you the very best on your trip. I have wondered if you are at all concerned about the snow pack in the Sierra’s this year. I understand that it is quite large. In any case, I am really looking forward to your videos. Have fun.

  55. db

    Hi Dixie.

    I just discovered your YouTube videos last week. I’m hooked. Can’t get enough.

    You need an agent so you can really develop your product. The Travel channel would be ideal (I live in Hollywood so we all think this way, lol).

  56. Mark Benson

    Hi! I’m an avid camper/hiker and I love your videos.

    I will be watching your progress, and when you get near the Kinney Lakes in NorCal, east of Stockton, I’ll be tempted to go to the PCT in hopes of meeting you and giving you a load of food or whatever.

    But whether that happens or not, GREAT seeing your stuff, best of luck on your new venture. What I see will probably have something to do with whether I decide to do it myself.

  57. Laura Moore

    Hey there! I just wanted to tell you how excited I am about your PCT thru-hike this year. You don’t know me, but we actually have a mutual friend. I binge watched your AT adventure a couple months ago while my husband was in the ICU. It gave me a great distraction from my life at that time and gave me hope for my future. We just found out that my husband won’t be making it through this alive, but planning my own through hike for next summer has been one of the only things that keeps me wanting to wake up in the mornings. Thanks so much for your smiles,optimism, and adventures. Wishing you all the best in the months to come!

  58. One Who Walks


  59. Mark Van Doren

    Hey Dixie, I’ve really enjoyed your videos, however, I found the first minute of PCT episode 5 just a little disturbing – all those rattlesnakes and even a coral snake – YIKES!! So I’m curious, what’s your attitude towards snakes, how many rattlers have you seen, and what precautions, if any, do you take when you are hiking through rocky terrain and brush? When the trail starts to look like snake habitat, are you a nervous wreck? Good luck, we’re all cheering for you!!

    Thanks, Mark V.

    • Jessica

      Mark, I don’t LOVE rattle snakes, but I’m not afraid of them. Although, I’d rather not get bit, haha. If I’m on a narrow path I’ll tap my trekking poles around rocks and such, but otherwise I just go for it. Seen 9 rattlers so far. I’m sure there’s more to come! Just keep your eyes peeled and you should be fine 🙂

      • Tom

        Dixie you probably walked by 25 without knowing lol. Be safe.

    • Evan

      I’m pretty sure that was a Mountain Kingsnake, not a Coral Snake. Remember the rhyme
      “Red on yellow; kill a fellow.
      Red on black, friend of Jack”
      In other words, if the red band is flanked by yellow on either side-leave it alone!

      • Evan

        Yep, I just happened to see the beginning of Episode 16 again. It’s a Mountain Kingsnake. IMO, one of the most beautiful snakes in the world. I’ve never seen one in the wild, and I’ve turned over a lot of stone and logs in my life! That was a lucky sighting. But, as they say,
        “Luck favors the hiker who is out on the trail all day!”

  60. Mark Benson

    They’re not like Southern rattlers, like those little pygmy ones in north Florida. Those little buggers are AGGRESSIVE, they go AFTER you. The big Western ones, you leave them alone, they leave you alone. You hafta come real close to provoke them.

  61. john barrett

    Hiked the pct a number of years ago. Really enjoying reliving the trail watching your videos. Am anxiously awaiting your next one in the Sierras think it will really blow your mind with the beauty along the John Muir section. Enjoy and be safe.

  62. Sam

    Dixie: followed your AT thru-hike with great interest and really enjoyed the videos. Picked up some great tips from them. Now enjoying the PCT ones. Envy that you will be soon hitting The Sierra. Lots of snow this year so Forester Pass should be interesting but you will be blown away by the views. Just remember ice axe + uphill hand. Keep those videos coming (would be interested in seeing what your thoughts are on electronics (including camera). Take care and have a great hike.

  63. Tom Barber

    DearDixie, my kids and I just love watching your PCT videos. We hope to follow in your footsteps someday.

    • Jessica

      Aww, that’s awesome! You should check out @ellieontheAT on instagram. They are hiking the AT with their baby. It’s a cool story to follow!

  64. Edward

    I live near the PCT in the state of Washington, I have been following you though your AT journey and now as you walk the PCT.
    You will be seeing some of the most beautiful sites.

    • Jessica

      I can’t wait! I’ve never been to Washington so I’m pretty excited. Eek!

      • Lisa Rowe-Reischman

        Dixie, just a heads up – wear long pants for the first mile of Washington! My hubby and I day hiked it this last week and about a quarter mile in you’re going to hit a raspberry thicket that goes on for about another three quarters of a mile. After a number of sticker scratches, I zipped on my pant legs LOL. Happy hiking girl! You’ve inspired me to go farther and push myself ❤️

        • Jessica

          Oooo, raspberries! I can’t wait!!

          • Lisa Rowe-Reischman

            And blackberries! We went back out to Table Mtn and ate so many blackberries on the way. I’ll bet by the time you’re coming through the Oregon Grapes will be in season too ????????. So much yummy goodness on trail! ????

  65. Kevin

    I suggest you might add two things to your load. 1st would be lavalin deodorant. a one year supply weighs one ounce. one application lasts 5 to 9 days. The other would be a collapsible bucket. they weigh between 4 to 8 ounce for a 2 to 2.5 gallon bucket. That bucket would be useful for a field bath, which is face and neck, armpits, crotch and bum and feet. You feel much better and stay healthier. after you bath you have water left to do laundry, clothes won’t be clean but you get some of the funk and sweat out of them which make you feel better also. I’ve learned from experience and did this on 3 liters of water day. The other benefit of the bucket is you move away from stream or water source and can gain a modicum of privacy

    • Jessica

      I don’t care if I stink to be honest, haha. It’s worth saving the 5 ounces to me. I just use baby wipes or water and a bandana if I’m feeling gross. To each his own, though! 🙂

  66. John

    Hey Dixie, wanted to stop by and wish you well on your PCT hike.
    Really enjoyed watching your AT videos and of course i have been following along on your new ones now.

  67. CJ

    Hi Dixie, First, thank you very much for the entertaining video logs of your PCT journey. Care to update your feelings on the HMG pack? I spent most of last season trying out new gear and new ways of packing. This March, I replaced the last of my big 3 – the pack. I debated a long time over which model to get and in the end, I went with the 40L over the 55L (although I did go with the White version as it is just a little lighter).

    Most of the gear I have is similar to what you seem to be carrying (although my clothing is a bit larger) Was wondering – How much of that added space up top are you typically using? In most of the videos, you seem to have it rolled down quite a bit. I’m happy with my 40L choice and was wondering if you feel the 55L might be a bit too large given the significant reduction in size/weight of your gear? If not, when has that extra capacity come in handy? Planning to walk the 100 mile wilderness later this summer and while things seem good, I keep wondering if I should have gone with the extra capacity. Any insight at all would be helpful. Thanks.

    Oh, and did you ever consider the Leatherman Style PS multitool? Very tiny and light, but contains a bunch of useful features. It’s really the only thing I feel is a “must have” that you don’t seem to cover.

    • Jessica

      Hey there! I had a 50L pack on the AT, so I just went with something close to that. I’ve had a good amount of food and water packed on the PCT in which I appreciated the extra storage. I think I probably could’ve gotten by with the smaller pack, but I was worried I might not. The larger HMG pack was still lighter than my osprey, so I went for it. So far, I’m loving the pack in general!

      As far as your multitool question goes, I’ve never needed anything other than a knife so far, so nope! Everyone has their preferences, though.

      Have fun on your 100-mile wilderness trek and keep me posted on the verdict of your pack!

  68. Olli Thorsson

    Hey Dixie, just wanted to thank you for your very interesting video blogs from the PCT (I am hooked and can’t wait for the next). I have also seen many of your AT stuff. You mentioned Into the mystic by Van Morrison in one of your video blogs. He is one of my fav and Into the Mystic is such a great song. I am from Iceland and was the first person to hike/climb on all the 100 highest peaks in Iceland. That was all together about 1000 miles in the wilderness over weekends during 10 months from January 1. to October. I was working fulltime and used all my spare time to complete my mission. Now 10 years later I have set my goal on the Triple Crown and can’t stop thinking about it. If you ever happen to come to Iceland look me up I would love to show you the hiking possibilities over here. I am also doing guiding work here because I love hiking. I feel like I have been preparing my whole live for long distance hiking and now I am ready both physically and mentally (well that remains to be seen 🙂 )
    Btw. My mail hatindar translates from Icelandic to high peaks in English and my nick name among hikers in Iceland is: The chief of the high peaks (short: High peaks)
    Best of luck

  69. Sarah


    I recently have been watching all your videos and love them! It’s so inspiring to see what goes into a thru-hike through your lense. I’m going to be graduating from civil enginneering in a year and am daunted by the idea of getting stuck in the working rut, despite loving the career path I’ve chosen. It so great to see other female engineers pursuing their dream and putting their professional jobs on hold. Thanks for sharing your story, you’ve really inspired and educated me!

    • Jessica

      I’m glad you’re already thinking that way! If you can find a way to support yourself and be happy, the engineering option will always be there. I feel like we live life all backwards, but who knows! I’m going to enjoy what I can while I can. Congrats on your upcoming graduation–that year will fly! Plan yourself a breather trip if you can to think a little before jumping into that 9-5 😉

  70. Afoot

    Best of luck with your enterprises. Will be retiring soon. Grown up on the AT. You passed my mother’s house. Cove mountain was my backyard. Hope to be a 4400’er, a flip yo flop. Mid to end to end to mid.
    Hope you are in North central Oragon on 21 August for the total eclipse. Not sure your current location or your speed. First in 38 year. My younger self saw one.
    Enjoy your walk

    • Jessica

      Thank you! Have fun on your thru-hike! I’m aiming to see the eclipse, but it will just depend on terrain.

  71. Derek

    Well, I think you are just awesome and a real inspiration. I come from Ireland but a friend of mine in New York directed me to your channel on YT – thanks so much for all the videos and insights 😉

    • Jessica

      Wow! That’s so cool. Thank you very much 🙂 I’ve been wanting to visit Ireland for years! Someday I will.

  72. Johnny R Hussey

    What an inspiring young lady you are. We love hiking albeit we mostly just day hike but I have really enjoyed your YouTube videos. Keep up the good work and happy trails!!

    • Jessica

      Aww, well thank you so very much! Hiking is hiking. Any walk with nature is good 🙂

  73. Edward


    where will you be on the trail during the eclipse? Will be have glasses to see it?

  74. Lisa

    Hi Dixie,

    I am really enjoying your PCT episodes. I was reading a book about the PCT and wanted to see what it looked like, I live in Scotland and the landscape is very different. Your channel came up when I searched PCT on Youtube, I have been hooked ever since! Love your approach to blogging , hiking and how you describe life on the trail. I enjoy the outdoors and your enthusiasm has re -motivated me to get out and explore more of Scotland. Thanks 🙂

    • Jessica

      Wow! That’s so awesome to hear you’re getting back out there and enjoying nature. Thank you so much for the kind words. What book are you reading (if you don’t mind me asking)?

      • Lisa

        The PCT book is called The Last Englishman by Keith Foskett. He has written a number of books about his adventures thru-hiking, at the moment I am reading his book about the AT ‘Balancing on Blue. I really enjoy them, you should take a look. Happy hiking!

  75. "POZ"

    Suggestion…..when you can’t sink your tent stakes into the ground and you put rocks on the stake loops, put the stake(or a stick) through the stake loop and put the rock on the stake laying on the ground….it will be harder to pull loose from the rock.
    Look forward to Wednesdays now to see your adventures and the beautiful scenery!
    Section AT hiker have completed the 1257 miles from Katahdin to Skyland in Shenandoah.

    • Jessica

      Hahaha. Did you check out today’s video? I described exactly that. Great minds think alike 😉

  76. Pete Caulfield

    Hey Dixie

    I know you appreciate your music and thought you may like one of my favorites. Loggins and Messina “Be Free”. It is a piece that brings tears to my eyes from my past memories and also lifts my spirits by reminding me how wonderful it feels to be free. Hike your own hike and make your own memories.

    Be safe

    • Jessica

      Hey Pete! I’ll check it out. I do love music so much and I appreciate the suggestion. Always looking for new, inspiring tunes!

  77. Fingers

    Hello Dixie – I just discovered you while doing some research for my shot at an AT thru-hike. Love your videos and your attitude towards hiking and the outdoors in general.

    Thanks and happy hiking.

    • Jessica

      Thank you! Congrats on your future thru-hike. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It’s more challenging and rewarding than anything else I’ve ever done!

  78. jjo

    My wife and I love your videos. Awesome to see an Auburn grad doing great things. Hope to see you at one of the Biosystems Alumni tailgates in the future! War Eagle

    • Jessica

      WAR EAGLE!! I’d love to attend one again someday. I was the chapter president of ASABE my last year there. Lots of fond memories 🙂

  79. Rick

    Hello, Dixie. I’ve watched a lot of PCT videos the past two years, and yours are among the best! I’m currently reading your Kindle book about the AT, and I hope that you will write another one for your PCT experience.

    Kudos and Best Wishes!

  80. BP

    Hi Jessica,

    I just want to say your last vlog, “You’ll Never Make It” really resonated with me. I’m a male in my 30’s with a professional career, however over the past year or so I have really contemplated following through with an entrepreneurial product idea I have had based on my experience in my career field. I have thought long and hard about filing for a patent but after discussing it with friends and family, the idea lost steam because of the, “well what if it flops and you lose all that money to patent”, or “what if this, and what if that”. I was really thinking strongly today that maybe I just need to follow my gut and take a chance, because I know I won’t accomplish anything unless I make an effort, and I swear about an hour later I watched your video and you were relating the conversation with the sobo man who told you to skip ahead, and you said something along the lines of “If I had listened to people my whole life I wouldn’t have done anything” and it literally was the most perfect timing in my life to hear that. It gave me goosebumps and made my eyes water. I will be following my heart and see what happens. Thank you.

    • Jessica

      YAY! So glad to hear this. Go for it with all of your heart that way you will never have to wonder “what if.” Good luck! 🙂

  81. Edward

    I have watched ALL of your videos both AT and now PCT. My question is your camera work where you leave the camera and walk away or show several hikers walking past it HOW? Last in some if not most of you PCT videos you have GREAT aerial shots like from a drone, and HOW?


    • Jessica

      Thank you! If you check my gear lists, I am carrying a small tripod and a drone 🙂

  82. Donald Wiggins

    DIXIE, my 8 year old daughter Ava and I throughly enjoy watching your videos before bed time “we haven’t missed one and it’s a real treat when new ones are posted” we both learn a lot from you and your adventures, we also discuss different topics and places you encounter. Thanks so much for sharing your hikes. JR&AVA FROM NC!

    • Jessica

      Awww, that’s so cool! Glad y’all are enjoying together 🙂

  83. Donald Wiggins

    Your videos reminds me of my nature connect class. Ava 8years old.

  84. Kitsambler

    Dixie, a weather Heads Up. Our Seattle-area weather-casters are saying the snow level in the Cascades will be only 5,000 feet from tomorrow (17 Sept) onward. Please be careful out there – we want you to make it in one piece!

    • Jessica

      Thanks for the heads up! Steadily trucking north!

  85. Mary Ellen

    Hi, Dixie. I love your videos and am finding them very helpful as I plan a PCT hike. One or two of your close hiking friends have the Osprey Exos backpack. Have they had any problems with it? Would they use it again?
    What type of backpack does Perk have? It looks like the Zpacks Arc Haul. Has he had any problems with it? Would he select it again?

    I loved my Osprey Aura for the AT but am looking at lighter options for the PCT.

    Please tell your editor that he does a terrific job, as do you.
    Thank you!

    • Jessica

      Thank you very much! I have heard only good things about the Osprey Exos. I love my Zpacks Arc Haul so far. Perk isn’t as in love with his. He will probably try something new for the CDT, but I’m gonna stick with mine. I think Perk tends to carry more food and water than he needs so the weight isn’t carried as comfortably as it is in packs he’s used in the past. I will say both Osprey and Zpacks have great customer service so you can’t go wrong there.

      • Mary Ellen

        Thank you, Dixie. For some reason I thought you had the Arc Blast. It’s good to hear you have the Arc Haul because it is one that I am considering. I’ll be interested in watching your end-of-trail gear review. Congratulations on finishing and thanks again.
        Mary Ellen “Shuttle”

  86. Rodeo + Pause

    Hi Dixie! I’m a 2017 PCT Trail Angel (got the name “Rodeo” while providing magic at Shelter Cove – for driving too fast when I was delivering hot food to the hiker area!) My husband was section hiking the PCT (he was called Pause because he was always stopping to look at nature.) I would hike out with him and hike in to meet him at the next stop throughout most of Oregon and a part of Washington – driving around so many fires. Heartbreaking. We were on the trail for 3 weeks in August (eclipsed at Ollalie.) We have been bereft since coming back to “real life” and were DELIGHTED with and ENAMORED of your videos and we raced through them! But we can’t find anything after video 29. Did it stop? We are CRESTfallen to not have any more to watch, especially of you hiking Oregon. Please let us know where to find them! And if you see our pals Wild Turkey, Pirate or Pretzel, send them our love. Take care and more power to you! Rodeo (and Pause from afar)

    • Jessica

      Hey there! Sounds like y’all had a wonderful summer and I know you made a lot of hikers happy 🙂 The videos come out once a week on Wednesday and sometimes there is a bonus video. Thank you for watching! Haven’t seen your friends, but they were likely ahead of me. Happy Trails!!

  87. Dave McMullen

    Thank you for sharing your life with me through video. I particularly enjoy your love of God’s creation especially shown by the many critters you capture along your path. The beauty you bring to all of us is a powerful testimony of God, the Creator of all things. I hope the recent wildfires here in Oregon will not put a damper on your trip. Be safe.

  88. valerie

    Hey Dixie,
    I have watched every single one of your Appalachian videos and just bought your amazon book. I am going to hike Harper’s Ferry to Damascus starting April 1st by myself, yikes! I have learned so much from you and I Love your passion! I hope I can do It, I am probably twice your age! 🙂 Valerie

    • Jessica

      That’s AWESOME! You’ve got this. Please keep me posted on how the trip goes, and thank you for watching 🙂

  89. Uncle Pete

    Hi Dixie

    For me, your PCT vlogs have unquestionably been the pick of the crop from the trail this year. I love your balance of skilled cinematography, intelligence, sincerity and honest emotion. I have managed to use them to convince my wife and two kids to travel from the UK to the US next summer to do the Tahoe Rim Trail. I have my eyes set on the PCT, but that will have to wait a few years. Still, it will be great to spend a few days treading the ‘hallowed ground’, when doing the TRT. A big thank you from me for the insight into your journey.

  90. Steve Spurrier

    Thank you for taking the time to Vlog about both the AT and PCT. You are truly an inspiration to the many folks that follow you. I don’t know the exact date on you finishing the PCT, but I imagine the end is drawing near rather quickly. Watching your videos has really perked my interest in hiking one of these marvelous trails. I am leaning towards the AT to celebrate my 50th bday. I hope it gets here soon. Please be safe in your travels and let us know when you plan to do the CDT. Talk to you soon!

    • Rick

      Would you happen to be the son of the great Coach Spurrier? I know that he has a son named Steve.

  91. Jason

    Not sure how I missed it before, just realized you are an Auburn girl! My oldest daughter just graduated, my second is a sophomore, wife c/o ’96. War Eagle!


    • Jessica

      WAR EAGLE, back at ya!

  92. wendy

    Hello Dixie, my husband and I really enjoy your video each Wednesday. We feel like we know you….you are such an encouragement to so many people, including us….so positive….keep your attitude always. Ps where are you as of Oct3. Take care.

    • Jessica

      Awww, thank you! I really appreciate your kind words. On October 3rd I was about 20 miles south of Harts Pass.

  93. Steven

    I have been watching your youtube channel since early Feb 2017. You are super real! I was traveling around the world in the last two years and I am planning to go down to the bottom of Grand Canyon and touch the Colorado River in late October… Have you ever touched the Colorado River through Grand Canyon?

    • Jessica

      That’s amazing! Nope, never have done that but it’s on my bucket list now. Haha. Thank you for watching and I hope you have a wonderful trip 🙂

  94. Frank B


    1997 Thru-hiker here – have enjoyed reading blog and watching videos. Brings back some great memories of life on the trail. While almost 20 years have passed since my hike the views, people, experiences all seem very much the same (except the cell service :)) Keep it up and I imagine the Continental Divide will be calling your name next.

  95. Linda Cook

    I just got home from my work day to find out you made it! Dixie/Jessica, you are an inspiration, and your videos of your adventures through hiking keep me not only entertained but inspired. I’m truly blessed to have come across your travels which not only show extreme bravery, but kindness and love for life and others, for nature and its creatures and a truly beautiful outlook. You are refreshing in this world and we who have not yet embarked on a journey such as yours are truly in awe of your accomplishments. Your family must be so proud of you! Congratulations on your 2nd journey and I can’t wait to see the next part of your triple crown adventure!

  96. Eric Frederick

    Congratulations to you, Kyle, and PPerk on finishing the PCT together….So cool. You folks should feel a great sense of pride for such an accomplishment. The pictures you folks have shared are stunning…pure Postcards!
    I hope after you rest and heal those toes, you have a Live Q & A sometime… I would love to ask a few questions…if not I can email.
    Take care….decompress and reflect a bit before re-entry into the the other side of life.

  97. Kelly

    Hey Dixie, I’ve have watched of your AT and PCT vlogs thus far. Have enjoyed all. The views are magnificent, and your discussions various topics has helped. Thank you.

    My dream is to do the AT, hopefully in 2019. What got me inspired were you and Mayor along with several books.
    I have most of my gear now, but am working on getting the funds to do it.
    There is so much information out there to get funding, which one to choose from?
    Your thoughts/info would be greatly appreciated.

  98. Scrabble-monster

    Hello, lover your videos :O)
    Wish you had a countdown ( miles to go )

  99. Jamie

    Jessica! You are amazing. I followed your you tube videos through the PCT and it was such a wonderful adventure. Tears were flowing when you completed your hike. Great Job! Can’t wait to see the CDT journey.
    Be You!

    Jamie – Alaska

  100. Mark Benson

    Hi Dixie! I’ve been watching your whole thing, from you peeking through the fence at Mexico to the final scene in Canada. Thanks for taking us along! You’ve inspired me, I’m 63 years old, but I’m gonna put in an application for the long-distance permit next month. Regarding poles and your choices — are big name high $ brands like your Black Diamonds a big deal, or are cheaper ones like Cascade ok too? Flip lock or screw lock? Is the difference in weight between carbon fiber & aluminum really worth it? Was there ever a time you couldn’t get it down as short or up as long as was needed for something? What about in snow, sharp tips or use the baskets? The cork vs. plastic handles dispute — why did you come down on the side you did? Again, thank you so much for inspiring me and thanks for what you do promoting nature and the outdoors. Best regards, Mark

    • Mark Benson

      OH and I wanted to ask about a general gear thing — an old pal who’s thinking of doing it too who had a novel approach to propose. He doesn’t want to do the ultralight thing. He wants to use heavier and more durable military-type and expedition-type gear, and just go slow, take his time. How does that strike you, for a bigger, heavier hiker? Probably stronger then you or me, I think he’s like 6’5″ I know you’ve said different strategies work for different folks. DOes this strike you as sensible for SOME folks and SOME long treks (even if not you, or the ones you’ve done?)

  101. HikerJen

    So I posted to your last PCT gear pick YouTube video, but I just wanted to give you this tip about long sleeved tops that don’t have thumb holes in the cuffs. You can sew an elastic loop inside the cuffs to put your thumbs in and it works great. Good luck on the CDT!

    • Jessica

      Thanks for the tip! That’s a great idea

  102. Mark Benson

    And Today it’s Nov.1st, applications opened online for the long distance permit. I just submitted mine for a section hike starting in May from the Mexican border to just into Oregon! THANK YOU FOR INSPIRING ME.

  103. Scott

    Hey Dixie,
    I came across your channel surfing YouTube for good section hikes in NC last April. I have since watched all your AT videos and kept up with you hiking the PCT. I have learned more watching your videos than I would have ever imagined. Keep up the videos and your inspiring spirit. I ended up not being able to hike the AT due to an injury, but plan to next summer. Have you ever considered doing videos of your best sections of the AT & PCT for section hikers?

  104. Scott

    Hey Dixie,
    I came across your channel surfing YouTube for good section hikes in NC last April. I have since watched all your AT videos and kept up with you hiking the PCT. I have learned more watching your videos than I would have ever imagined. Keep up the videos and your assume spirit. I ended up not being able to hike any on the AT due to an injury, but plan to next summer. Have you ever considered doing videos of your best sections of the AT & PCT for section hikers?

  105. Snapper Petta

    Jessica – I’m wondering if you’d ever consider speaking at a college? I realize you may not be close to New York state but if you’d consider the idea, I’d love to invite you to speak at the college I work at. I work with our outdoor program and I think your adventures would appeal to not only our students but also local community people as well. If this is something that might interest you, let me know at your convenience. We can discuss your fee and other requirements after you’ve had a chance to think it over. That’s all for now. Take care and until our paths may cross….be well.

    Snapper Petta
    Director, Outdoor Programs
    SUNY Oneonta

    • Snapper Petta

      Curious as to what it means when the site says my comment is “awaiting moderation”? I really am interested in having you speak at the college I work at. I think you’d be an inspirational speaker to many of our students; especially our women. I realize this might not occur quickly (or soon) but would truly like to pursue the idea with you.

      That’s all for now. Take care and until next time…be well.


      • Jessica

        Hey there! Sorry for the delay. It means that the comments have to be approved before they are posted. Helps me keep spam down.. I am interested in upping my speaking game. If you’d like to discuss that more the best way to reach me about that is send an email to HomemadeWanderlust@gmail.com

  106. Frank Burley

    I guess I’ll give this a try again – enjoyed watching your videos and reading your blog. Brought back many memories of my 1997 AT thru-hike. Twenty years later it made me feel that it was not that long ago.

    Hooty GA2ME97

    • Jessica

      Awww, thank you Frank! Time flies, but the memories grow stronger 🙂 I’ll always love the AT.

  107. Steve Spurrier

    Hi Dixie! My wife and I have really enjoyed your videos and you are the reason that we have started to plan an AT thru hike in the spring of 2019. In the meantime, if we heard correctly, you will be doing the CDT next year? We think that is awesome! And we would like to show you some Wyoming generosity if you would be willing. If that interests you, please email us and we can discuss it further. I hope you accept our offer and will be looking forward to future videos!

    • Jessica

      Hey Steve! Yep, my crew and I will be out there next year. It’s hard to make plans this far in advance because you never know what’s gonna happen, but as it gets closer we will see! Either way, I truly appreciate your kindness and the offer. Thank you for watching and I’m so glad y’all have enjoyed it 🙂

  108. Ursula Graef

    Hi Dixie!
    I just watched you hike the PCT.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I am motivated to go backpacking now. I never really have been in the past. I’m turning 54 in a few days. I love car camping and day hiking.
    You have a great and wonderful outlook on life. You are wise beyond your years. You must have a great Mother!
    Have a safe and fun winter! Keep up your great attitude, whatever you do. Cheers! Ursula

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Ursula! That is sweet of you to say. I got the pick of the litter when it comes to Moms! I’m glad the trail is calling you–I hope you get out and see some pretty sights soon 🙂 Thank you for watching and I appreciate your encouragement–happy trails!

  109. Tim Nicholls

    Congratulations on your thru hike of the PCT. I lobe your dedication to every mile of it, especially in the area closed by fires. Top stuff.

    Your hiking videos and Q & A were always good fun and so well shot. So many times I had to grab my daughter and say “you gotta watch Dixies video of “wherever you were at that moment”.

    Thanks so much and I can’t wait to see your CDT adventures.

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Tim! I appreciate y’all watching and cheering me on 🙂

  110. Deborah Debenham

    Hi Dixie
    I am an 62 y/o RN from KS who has fallen in love with hiking. For the past 8 weeks I have been recovering from surgery on my foot from Morton’s neuroma. During that time I have watched, I think most all of your videos. Many of them more than once. I have enjoyed them all immensely and learned so much!!! My backpacking experiences so far have been limited but AWESOME! My husband and I have done RMNP, the Tonohutu Loop last fall and then Grand Canyon R2R2R last April. The Canyon was beautiful with the spring flowers!! Someday I hope to do the AT and PCT or at least parts of them. I probably will have to wait a few years to retirement, but that will give me time to plan, right? I plan to keep following your adventures and learning more. I also plan to do what I can to support you.

    A side note. I have a Gregory pack that had a broken chest clip and some damage from an ambitious ground squirrel in the canyon who chewed threw one of my straps when I turned my back for 5 minutes, ugh! I sent my pack to the Gregory repair center in South Carolina at Peter and Sons. They have repaired the pack and sent a spare hip clip, all at no charge!!! What awesome customer service!!!

    Thanks again Dixie and Happy Trails!!!
    Deb Deb

    • Jessica

      I’m so glad to hear that you are recovering and staying in good spirits! I’m jealous about the Rim to Rim–very cool 🙂 That’s definitely on my list.

      Glad Gregory was good to you and yes, might as well take this time to plan! Glad you’re enjoying the videos and thank you SO much for watching.


    Dixie, Your videos are awesome and followed you on AT & PCT. Question? In your last video PCT vrs AT You had mentioned the main mental challenge was when you were in the Sierra’s. Why so? Reason is I am planning a 100 Mile section hike through them end of May or beginning of June. Also, not sure which would be the best section of the Sierra’s logistically where I can enter and exit. I have done many AT section hikes. Also, as a 65 year old guy just looking for some advice. Thanks and cant wait for your CDT Thru Hike videos.

    • Jessica

      Hey Tom! The Sierra Nevada was extremely stressful because of the heavy snowfall the winter before. It was record-breaking which made the snow melt excessive and the rivers were raging. Not sure what the conditions will be this May or June. I recommend getting the Guthooks App for the Sierra Nevada. It will show you road intersections, mile markers, amenities in town, etc. Are you a part of the Homemade Wanderlust Backpacking Forum on Facebook? It would be good to get more feedback in there. Also, the PCT 2018 group.

  112. Eric Eggleston

    Thanks for all the videos and advice! Despite being in my 50s and not packing in a couple decades, I ran with it and hiked the JMT last month. This was my second attempt. Last time was very early in the season 39years ago after another heavy snowfall year. The fords were horrendous, sun-cupped snow just about everywhere and my brother and I did not have micro spikes, GPS trekking poles (didn’t exist), or ice axes. We used paper topo map and compass and young eyes. Out parents actually allowed us to go, though they didn’t really know about the trail conditions. My older bother was 17 and I was 13. Parenting standards were different then.

    This time I went solo and almost the only NoBo hiker and made it!!

    I met many PCT hikers who had flipped, coming back south to finishing the Sierras. They could tell by looking who was doing the PCT vs. JMT – JMT hikers didn’t have their packs pared down. After using your advice, they couldn’t always tell I was doing the JMT because my pack was atypically small, despite carrying 12days food and hiking from Cottonwood pass to Mammoth without resupply (MTR and VVR were closed in early October and I skipped both).

    October hiking has significant weather risk. I was prepared for ankle-deep snow and temps in the teens, yet weather was kind to me the entire time I was out.

    Thanks for doing what you do and making it accessible to novice hikers.

    • Jessica

      Eric! That is so awesome to hear–woohoo! Congrats on your trek and I’m glad some of my content helped. Thank you for getting out there and going for it 🙂 I appreciate you sharing as your story may encourage someone else to step outside their comfort zone.

  113. Uncle Phil

    Dix, thanks for sharing your trips and tips. I enjoy them so much, and am using your tips, that I feel obligated to reciprocate:
    Bugs: DEET alternative to consider, Lemon Eucalyptus. Products made by REPEL, Coleman, et al. Available at Wally World. Pros – effective, smells great, natural botanical oil. Cons – lasts 6 hrs vs. 10 hrs with DEET. Google “Citriodiol”
    Hygiene: An alternative to baby powder for cleaning hair is corn starch. Pro – no talcum powder, no bear attracting scent. Con – I know of none.
    Oral Hygiene: Consider adding a mouthwash to your regime. Can be used at a much lower rate than manufacture’s suggested usage rate. I use about an oz every five days, more or less. Only need to use enough to wet the inside of your mouth. Pro – excellent for oral hygiene. I use a product containing alcohol so it has multiple uses, such a topical antiseptic and possibly deodorant because it kills odor causing bacteria. Personally, I haven’t used it as an deodorant. Con – some don’t like the taste (poor babies), adds pack weight (I enjoy the benefits so much that I consider this item essential)

    • Jessica

      Awesome, thanks for your input 🙂

  114. Paula

    Hi Dixie, Can you share your tips for dealing with Planters Fasciatis on the PCT?

    • Jessica

      Sure, I have a video on that! Here you go 🙂

  115. Andy "Woodpecker" BSA Troop 709 Ashland, Va

    Hey Dixie!
    I’d like to see you do a video on your videography equipment, techniques and planning each segment. Also, how you manage / upload all the video while on the trail.

    I’m a 56 yo semi-retired FF/Paramedic who grew up near the AT outside Roanoke and I have been so inspired by your PCT series that I’m doing the early planning to section hike the PCT hopefully beginning in ’19. We now live outside Richmond, and my kids and I love watching your series- thank you and keep up the good work! Can’t wait to see the CDT series!

    • Jessica

      Hey Andy! Thank you SO much 🙂 Good luck on your upcoming section hikes–it will be here before you know it! I appreciate the video idea. It is on the to do list!

  116. Pete

    A music suggestion especially if you run across some wild horses on the cdt. Aaron Coplands hoedown. Every time I hear it I think of the wild west, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and now Dixie. Happy Trails


    • Jessica

      Awww, I’ll check it out! Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

      • Duncan

        Hi there Jessica.
        Have you ever thought about coming over to do some walks in Scotland? My brother and I are doing the Scottish national trail. Our next section is the Cape Wrath Trail.We met a guy on the west Highland way from the USA who was 80+ and he said it’s the best walking he has ever done. Love your walks. Cheers, Duncan.

        • Jessica

          It’s definitely a place I’d like to explore someday. Thanks for the info! I hope y’all enjoy your trip.

  117. James


    I’ve been watching your videos for the last couple of months. I found (and watched) your PCT videos first, so now I’m onto your AT videos. It’s been interesting watching how inexperienced you were when you started the AT, and how much more confident and poised you seem on the PCT. The production value of the early videos lend a certain authenticity to your experiences. It’s like you have grown as both a backpacker, a vidographer and a young woman.

    One question. Did you ever meet/hike with a guy who’s hiker name is “Shepherd” on the PCT? He’s my (much younger) cousin. I didn’t even know he was on the trail until he was almost finished. I believe he may have hiked with Perk for a while.

    Anyway, good luck on your future!

    • Jessica

      Thank you, James! I appreciate your kind words. I don’t think I knew Shepherd, but Perk and I were separated for a while. Lots of great people out on the trail—small world. Thanks again and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  118. Scott Waldrop

    I’m an Alabamian transplanted in Texas. My brother tells me there was quite a bit on snow in ‘bama today.

    Never done miles anything close to what you have accomplished, but I do manage to get out in the desert for some awesome hikes.

    I just finished binge watching your AT and PCT adventures. Very impressive!
    Can’t wait for the CDT videos to start rolling in.

    Have a GREAT Christmas!

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Scott! Hope y’all had a wonderful Christmas!

  119. Joe Davis

    Thanks for all the posts.Use your videos to walk each morning on the treadmill and pretend I’m hiking with you and your friends haha. Great motivation and great positive old school spirit. I’ve now hiked the AT and PCT twice on the treadmill and need you to go ahead and conquer your next trail. Thanks again and my wife tells me to turn the volume down lol.

    • Jessica

      Hahaha. That’s so cool! I’ll get to the CDT as soon as possible. Thank you so much for watching! ????

  120. Kristy Swan

    Thank you for documenting your journeys. I have watched many hiking videos on YouTube, and yours are the best. You inspire me to keep following my dreams. While work and family won’t allow me to take time to through hike a long trail like the AT or PCT at this time, I am going to do what I can, right where I am. I’ll begin segment hiking the Arizona Trail this year. Please keep sharing your travels.


    • Jessica

      Thank you, Kristy! So glad you are getting out there 🙂 I’ve heard the AZT is amazing!

  121. Bob Withrow

    I’ve put in over 400 hours working on the CDT and most of them were with CDTA. Theresa Martinez has continued the work of CDTA with a new organization. They have published a guide here: http://bit.ly/2jwZ75U

    I’m forwarding it in case you might find it of some use. Happy trails.

    Cheers, Bob

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Bob! I’ll check it out 🙂

    • Jessica

      Thanks for your time and efforts!

    • Dave Nelson

      Hey Bob! Thanks for putting that link out there! It never hurts to have good info to go on! Like Jess said, thanks for your efforts. People like you don’t get near the recognition you should. Hopefully your work is rewarding enough to keep you going…. government as of late does not look like it is going to be very gracious to the hiking world : (

  122. john B.

    Hi. I love your videos. I lived in Auburn for a while and worked for the university. I moved to Ashville NC for a few years after discovering how much I loved the mountains by hiking on Mount Cheaha several times.
    Im 61 and my son whos 29 are now considering an attempt to thru hike the AT.
    Frankly, it scares the hell out of me, but I feel truly motivated and excited to attempt it. My son is very excited as well. Your videos are quite motivational and watching them has been a major reason why weve decided to do it. You really have a wonderful easy way about you that has gone a long way in assuring me that this old man can actually make this adventure happen. Thank you so much for your help. Hopefully we will be able to tell you in 2018 that we made it! Thanks again. Keep up the good work..

    • Jessica

      Thank you, John! Wishing y’all the best on your journey—you should go for it! Please keep me posted.

    • Jessica

      John! That’s wonderful. I hope you go for it! Please keep me posted—best wishes 🙂

  123. Bill

    As a PCT veteran now (you that is, not me), I was curious if you thought it would be possible to do the trail getting all your resupply just by going into towns along the way for food. I realize there would have to be a few things sent out via mail (extra shoes, socks, things that need replacing), but I would like to do the trail without all the hassle of sending off food for six months of hiking. So, do you think resupplying food could be done mostly on the fly, or is putting tons of planning into it required? Thanks Dixie, and want to say that I loved your videos this past summer. Good luck next year on the CDT. Bill

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Bill! It’s definitely possible to ONLY resupply while on trail. You do not HAVE to send packages. Given, you won’t have many options or variety in some of the towns, so if you want certain things sent to those, you’ll hear people talking about them ahead of time. I suggest guthooks app to look ahead while you’re on trail and see what stores are available in town and the notes other hikes have left about resupply. Also, there are usually hiker boxes, too, where people ditch their leftovers. Don’t stress about resupply before you get out there. Definitely not necessary.

      • Bill

        Dixie, I have one other question. Any plans for an E book on the PCT like your AT one?

        • Jessica

          Yep! Hoping to do so before I start the CDT—we will see if I have time!

  124. Christelle

    Hi! I am thoroughly enjoying your videos!. My friend and I are going to start section hiking the PCT this March. We are also hiking the Colorado Trail this summer. It would be so awesome if we ran into you when the CT and CDT intersect!
    My question: I can’t seem to find anymore PCT blogs past update 5 (maybe you really did win all that money in the slot machine ???? lol). Are the blogs still a work on progress?

    • Jessica

      That’s awesome!! Haha, yeah they are a work in progress. I wish I had won the money though! I will finish them before too long. Just didn’t have much time while on trail and dealing with the videos too 🙂

  125. Mike

    Hey Dixie

    Really enjoy your videos on YouTube. You are a great inspiration to everyone! I have a trail for you to consider after you do the CDT. It’s the GWT (Great Western Trail). It is also a thru hike from Mexico to Canada. It passes thru the states of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. The vast majority of the trail is high open desert. You will pass through some of the great National Parks in Utah. If you ever decide on doing the GWT, just know that you will have Trail Angels in Orem, Utah. The GWT is a great and enjoyable and fairly new hike (compared to the AT, PCT, and CDT). Keep doing what you are doing, and forget the negative comments. They are from the “Also Rans” (those are the people that will always say I also “hike” or whatever it is, and never challenge themselves to go the distance. Hope to see you on the trail someday.

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Mike! 🙂

  126. James T. Williams

    Hello Jessica: My wife brought home a newspaper I had never seen before with an article about you and your hiking adventures. I checked out a couple of the videos ( the one dancing across snow cups in Kings Canyon brought back memories). It brought a smile to my face.

    For 34 years, she and I were teachers in the Chicagoland Area. I have also been running a wilderness photography business for almost 40 years now. After a small lifetime traveling over the US on adventures, we have grown tired of being cold. After scouring the south for a new place to call home, we have ended up in this strange new world called Opelika. Now you see why I am smiling.

    We have only been down here for a year, but are overwhelmed with the open hearted kindness of the people and the exciting opportunities of a Deep South we have never explored. And yes, we are beginning to bleed War Eagle orange.

    I hope my website, inwildlight.com and my newly released book, Wisdom from the Wilderness, might find your eyes. Kindred spirits indeed.

    • Jessica

      James!! That’s so wonderful to hear. I’m glad that my fellow Opelikans are being sweet to y’all. There aren’t many in this area that know the beauty of other areas, so I’m glad to know someone else here gets it! Haha. I will go look at your website now. Thank you so much for reaching out and please keep in touch. Let me know if y’all need anything or have questions about the area 🙂

    • Jim Williams

      Hi Jessica:

      I have waited on responding until I completed the development of my fall/winter work in the Sweet Home Portfolio. Which I just did. Please when you have a moment check it out. I am hoping your eyes share the feelings that I am beginning to have about Alabama. There is a a subtle, gentle, and most sublime beauty to this place.

      I hope someday our paths will inevitably cross. Your energy and enthusiasm are heroic. I will throw some support your way in due time.

      • Jessica

        WOWWW! Those are amazing and I only saw the thumbnails. Going to dig deeper now. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  127. Todd Symborski

    Hey Dixie,
    Love your videos (watched them all), very imformative and just plain awesome. I’m suscribed to yours and Darwin on the Trails Youtube channels even though I don’t hike. I love the outdoors, I love camping, bike riding and took up kayaking a year ago. I past year I took up Bikepacking (basically hiking with a bike) and I’m really wanting to get into this. I did get to go once this year (had a couple of set backs that prevented me from doing more), did a two day 60 mile venture and loved every minute of it. Your videoes ( and Darwins too…Lol) were the inspiration to get me going. Took what I learned from the videoes, researched and purchased gear and did it. Now I’m getting into dehydrating (meals and snacks) for doing more bikepacking in 2018. The hiking videoes have been a big help and plan to keep on watching and learning as much as possible. Keep up the awesome work you do and thank you for everything you do!!! 🙂

    • Jessica

      Wooohoo! So happy to hear that. Way to go and get out there 🙂 Keep it up—happy trails!

  128. Steve M

    You’ve rekindled something I haven’t done in 40 or so years. Going to try the JMT this summer. A few overnighters before to ensure I know my gear.
    I see you brought fishing gear. Where did you fish? Thanks Have really enjoyed the youTube videos. One note … the gear is much lighter now !

    • Jessica

      Awesome! You’ll be blown away by the beauty. I went fishing in several ponds. Only caught some on a side trail called Bullfrog Lake on the Bullfrog Lake Junction to Kearsarge Pass. I didn’t fish as much as I would’ve liked but I was pushing hard to get through there and make up time. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

  129. Alex Theis


    Your videos and stories are incredibly inspirational. Thank you for taking the time to do them. I watched your PCT adventure first, then started your AT trip, how far you’ve come!!!

    I want to invite you to be a guest on The Limitless Podcast, hosted by me. It’s all about helping people push past self-imposed limits and live life to the fullest. I interview amazing people (like you) who are doing “limitless” things.

    The podcast gets downloaded over 50,000 times a month via iTunes and my site, PodcastLimitless.com. It would be a great opportunity to inspire new people and have more people hear about your YouTube channel and more.

    Let me know if you are interested. You would be such an awesome guest!

  130. Alan Walker

    I caught a comment on your “wish I had on the PCT” that you were thinking of doing the CDT next. I live and hike in the Durango Colorado area and would be happy to help you in any way.

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Alan! That is so kind of you to offer. I will keep that in mind 🙂

  131. Léo Azambuja

    Aloha Jessica! Today I got my best answer of how much you might spend on the AT. And it came from you! Mahalo nui loa! If you ever plan to hike (or kayak in the summer) to Kalalau in the Napali Coast, Kauai, hit me up and I’ll be stoked to go with you, and maybe even round up some more friends. It’s my favorite hike here, difficult and a bit scary at times (tall cliffs), but totally worth it. It’s “only” 11.5 miles to get there, and the coolest part is that you get to spend a few days on an isolated beach with only an few people (with an added 2-mile hike to a small waterfall and pond, and an amazing food garden). The only thing is that you have to get permits six months in advance. Aloha, Léo. ps: My next Kalalau hike is in four weeks! Three nights there and back.

    • Jessica

      Very cool, Leo! If I ever get out that way I’ll let you know. Happy trails 🙂

  132. Mike Woeckener

    Hello Dixie! Found your channel while following Darwin and Sintax77 (both guys). Enjoy your “downhome” approach to what you do mixed with common sense and intelligence. Read your About page and congrats on the Education and following your heart towards the triple crown and beyond.

    Born and presently living in Colorado, but have lived in NW Florida AKA “The Redneck Riviera”, so not too far from where you grew up.

    Plan on hiking sections of the CDT and the Colorado Trail in ’18 and am curious, to your knowledge, what sections of these trails are the most interesting/scenic? If you don’t know, no problem. Perhaps our paths will cross during your through hike?

    Best Always!

    • Jessica

      Hey Mike! Thanks for reaching out. Im honestly not sure yet—I’ll know at the end of the year. Haha. I have heard the Wind River Range of the CDT is FANTASTIC. Hope that helps some. Enjoy your trips! 😀

  133. Ramprakash Sekhar

    Hello Dixie,
    I am Ram Sekhar from India but lived in Texas for about 8 years now. Been following your you tube channel for a while now. You are awesome my friend and really gave me the interest on hiking and backpacking. Job, Student loan and Family been keeping me from doing that for a while now but i do wanna do some day hikes and overnights or even a 3 or 4 day trips. Any advises for a beginner?

    • Jessica

      Thank you! So glad to hear you’re looking to get out and about. Are you looking for hikes in Texas? I’d suggest checking out the All Trails App. It’s pretty good for locating trails closest to you. If you’re looking at a section on the AT or PCT, just let me know. Hope that helps some—also, if you join the Facebook group Homemade Wanderlust Backpacking Forum there may be people in there near you who can recommend places 🙂

      • Ramprakash Sekhar

        I cant go or a thru hike right now but i would like to go for a section hikes on the AT. starting from the south and am trying to find out how can i access the trail from the nearest airport or bus stop.

  134. Rick Chollett

    I only discovered you in the last week but find your stuff informative and entertaining. I love your Southern charm! I spent 26 years in the military so I have done quite a bit of hiking. Of course very little was for pleasure! I’m going to Europe in the Spring to walk the Way of Saint James. I’m planning to do the AT in 2019 and who knows what after that. I retired from my post-military job this past February as I felt like I was slowly dying. Between sitting in the office and traffic I knew I had to get out. Thank you for what you do and by all means please keep it up (as long as you want to that is)! It would be awesome to see you on the trail somewhere. Cheers from Texas!

    • Jessica

      Thank you so much, Rick! Congrats on escaping the rat race 🙂 I hope you enjoy your upcoming adventures. Keep me posted! Happy Trails!

  135. Kevin Coulter


    Been watching your videos since you were doing gear reviews after the AT. Then I was looking for gear and found your reviews to be honest and accurate. Thanks for your hard work!!!

    I was just given a Moment New Wide Lens and iPhone case for Christmas. Takes awesome pics and videos, but I’m at a lose on where to store it when I hike? Can’t but it in the pack brain, cause then I’d have to take the pack off, dig through the brain and might miss the shot. Not only that…I don’t want put it in a place outside the pack or packet for fear I’d damage it.

    Where did you keep your Moment Len’s, how did you access and use them. Did you take a pack off, or within arm’s reach? What about posting a filming blooper reel?

    • Jessica

      Hey Kevin! Thank you so much. Great question! I kept mine in the hip belt pockets that way I didn’t have to take my pack off.

      Aaron actually did post a blooper reel on YouTube. Haha. Hope you enjoy it 🙂


      • Kevin Coulter

        Of course…hip belt pockets, completely spaced those. Good idea.

        Spaced the bloopers reel too. Those are always good. Thanks!

  136. George Hickey

    Hi Dixie,
    I’ve been enjoying your videos and gear reviews. Learning a lot and planning to section hike the AT. You mentioned using a trash compactor bag inside your back pack. Can you further describe the trash compactor bag. I’ve seen so many online I’m not sure which would be the best.

    • Jessica

      Hey George! I got it from Walmart (a box of them—maybe 10-12 in a box?). I don’t remember if it was 2 mil or 3 mil. I think maybe the particular brand had a gorilla on the box? I can’t remember but it’s a thick, black plastic bag.

  137. 909

    After enjoying the content and quality of your PCT Vlog, I honestly think your CDT adventure should be a series on one of the cable network channels. The time seams ripe to me. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve already ink’d a deal 🙂

    • Jessica

      Haha, I haven’t, but thank you so much for the compliment!

  138. Andy Glisson

    Hi Jessica,

    I’m about to embark on a journey through South America at the end of next week. 2 of the major stops will be hikes at Patagonia (Torres Del Paine) and Macchu Picchu. I appreciate all your videos and being a fellow southerner from Chattanooga TN its nice to see an adventurer from the south. Also your gear advice has been very helpful so keep it up. Have you ever thought about doing any international hikes/trips?


    • Jessica

      Hey Andy! Thank you 🙂 I have thought about some international trips and aim to start once I complete the CDT. Wishing you the best of luck on your trip. Have fun and let me know how it goes!

  139. Edward Kendall


    I am looking for an all in one app for my phone. trail maps that I can use with or without cell service, thermometer, barometer, altimeter and anythings else I may have missed that you are aware of.


    • Jessica

      I don’t know of one app that does all of the above. I’ve used Guthooks for the trail map and navigation, but I’m not sure about the other functions. Sorry!

  140. Kurt Konrad

    I had an opportunity to hike on the Appalachian Trail in Harper’s Ferry over Thanksgiving and your you tube videos has gotten me interested in hiking again. I haven’t hiked since the 1980’s. My plan to section hike the Appalachian Trail each state starting with CT.

    • Jessica

      That’s great! No time like the present 🙂 I love Harpers Ferry. Cool town!

      • Kurt Konrad

        I have to start by thanking you. You helped me in getting started. I had a little fear on hiking alone. My wife would not partake in my adventure. She is likes her comforts.

        I started looking for friends and it turned into calling friends like the movie, A Walk In The Woods. A friend last week on face book informed me he wants to join me on section hiking the AT. We plan to start section hiking with in May, New York the Hudson.

        Once again thanks.

        • Jessica

          Yayyyy! So happy to hear it

  141. Jason

    Jessica, I’ve been section hiking the AT (I live in va ) the last few years and your videos, Darwin and “between the blazes” helped me a lot with gear food etc.. but I’m wondering why no one ever talks about minute rice for food ? It weighs nothing and 1 cup is a full meal.. any thoughts?

    • Jessica

      Not sure. I did some instant rice on the PCT with gravy powder and it was okay, but a little plain. It’s likely cheaper, but not having to think about a recipe when you get to camp after a long day is nice. I suppose the other instant meals just seem more seasoned and thoughtless? Not sure!

  142. Val Vitols

    Hi Dixie, I wonder if we can discuss a project related to your CDT hike? 650 823-1460

  143. Robert R. Jaime

    I saw your pct trek on you tube and there would be a few things that I would advise. wet socks is always an issue. so is atheletes foot and emersion foot. Recommend washing and putting socks in sleeping bag with you. warm body will dry socks. It is quite evident that leaving them out to dry on mountain trail can result in frozen socks. Same goes for shoes try putting them in bottom near your feet or somehow put them under the sleeping bag. damp will dry faster on your feet than wet. Also, when telling people to just ” go out there and hike, you should say that you should get with your doctor before attempting any physical activity, some trails can be kind of rough on the body especially when hauling equipment around. I live near an army base and you can pick up all kinds of tricks from the troops. Some sleep with their cloths next to them so the they won’t have put on cold cloths. That’s it. Good luck on your next adventure. You might want to research your shoes a little better, your feet were looking a little rough. I’d like to try something like that, unfortunately, unless I quit my job, its slim to none. Best of luck, Bob Jaime

  144. Fancy Feast

    I thoroughly enjoyed your AT and PCT videos and learned something new from each of them. I’m a lifelong backpacker who started back in the early 70’s. You are an inspirational person and that’s a wonderful gift. My Engineering advice: If it matters to you get your Engineering (PE) license now. You don’t need to ever use it. If you wait its very difficult to pass the exam. If you’ve decided that you don’t want to use your engineering degree then that’s another matter – plenty of people do that. Rensselaer Polytech ’81, Georgia Tech ’89 – RAMBLIN WRECK!

    • Jessica

      Thank you! I’d need a couple more years of work under a licensed engineer to get my PE, otherwise I’d get it now ????

  145. edog

    Dixie–You have been such an inspiration to so many of us…and you’ve given encouragement to everyone to step out and do more. I want to share with you and others how your magnificent quests have inspired me. It is–to see more and more of the steps that I take in my everyday life as “grand”. While walking along a familiar path, or even strolling thru town, I am reminded to SEE my surroundings AS IF they were as extraordinary as a Sierra or Appalachian summit view. This brings a sense of deep gratitude and a feeling of peace [and paradoxically exhilaration] just as when I am actually “out there”. Thank you for taking us along on your journeys; for the encouragement; your candor and most of all, your “spunk”!! Looking forward to your CDT videos!!

    • Jessica

      Wow! What an amazing perspective you have. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am going to try to adopt this into my everyday life as well. I appreciate all of your kind words ????

  146. Mike Harris

    Hey Jessica/ Dixie, Thank you so much for your inspiration. I have been thinking about the PCT for years. I am 60 (old man). I have watched all of your videos, just became a Patreon to help support your next venture. More importantly maybe, I have decided to retire early, hike a bit here in Oregon for a year or two, and set my sights on the PCT in 2020. I have assembled most of my gear following your reviews and picking what works best for me. So again, thank you.

    • Jessica

      Mike! Thank you so very much for your support. It means the world to me!

      Haha, 60 is not old! Not even close ???? I’m so excited that you are aiming to whoop the PCT in 2020–what a great plan! I’m happy that some of my info has been useful in helping you pick gear. If you have any questions and you send them through the messaging in Patreon, I’ll be sure to get back with you quickly!

      Thanks again so much!


      • Brandon


        I’ve enjoyed your hiking videos. In one you mentioned that hikers are kind and don’t care what your politics are. After watching many of your videos I’m now curious. What are your politics. Favorite presidents, stand on guns, Israel, economics. Care to share?

        • Jessica

          Thanks, Brandon! I appreciate you watching and glad you’ve enjoyed the videos. Honestly, I don’t care to bring politics into the world of backpacking. My mindset is essentially if you’re not hurting me or anyone else then I’ll mind my own business and prefer for others to do the same. I think folks should be so busy living their own lives that they don’t have time to peek over their neighbors fence. Anyway, thank you for reaching out!
          Happy Trails, Dixie

          • Brandon

            Thanks for responding. I figured that would be the response. Religion and politics….still difficult in many settings. Keep up the good work with your videos and enjoying the wilderness.

  147. Richard Bonner

    Jessica, if I had a hat on now I’d take it off to you…WOW!!! A couple questions for you please; I saw in one of your AT videos that you used a stuff sack for your sleeping bag, do you still use them or do you stuff it into the bottom of your pack without? Second, I always sleep with my food bag, do you always hang yours? I did also see in one of your videos that your ZPacks food bag was assaulted by mice. When I hiked the Colorado Trail (you’ll be on part of this summer)last summer I had changed over to mostly ZPacks gear; some other hikers gave me the trail name “Top Gear” because of that…GREAT STUFF. THANK-YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ADVICE!

    • Jessica

      Hey Richard! Thank you so much 🙂 I used a stuff sack while on the AT (but it wasn’t waterproof) and then on the PCT I decided to just stuff it loosely in the bottom of my pack in a trash compactor bag. Seems to fill in the holes better and allows me to maximize space.

      I have slept with my food bag before but it’s usually an accident (I fall asleep). On the AT I hung it 99% of the time. On the PCT, in the desert, there aren’t good trees for that so I’d attach it to a bush or something else. In the Sierra I had a bear can (required) and in Oregon and Northern California I continued the “low branch/bush hanging method” if a proper hang wasn’t available. The mouse chewed through my pack when I fell asleep before hanging it. The mice in Washington are vicious!

      I’m glad you like Zpacks gear, too. What I’ve used of their stuff has worked out nicely! Haha, good trail name!

      I’m glad the info has been helpful—thank you for watching! Happy Trails 🙂

  148. Emilie


    I love watching your videos, they are extremely informative as my friend and I are planning some sections hikes this year and next (hopefully many years after as well). Between the two of us I am the more “logistical prepper” type individual and have had a question nagging me for a while.

    What do you do about packing up a wet tent? We have a tent with rain fly but when its wet or raining, how to you recommend packing it up to hike out without having a super wet tent when you get to your next camp site?

    • Jessica

      I wish I had a good answer for you, but the truth is unless you can let it air out at a sunny spot during lunch, it’s probably going to be wet. I keep my tent in my pack, but if it seems the rain will stop, I might attach it in it’s stuff sack to the outside in hopes that it will dry out a bit while I’m hiking and then also maybe air dry it during break.

      I hope that helps some! You can always use a bandana to dry the floor before you get in, too. Glad to hear the videos have served y’all well! I hope y’all enjoy your upcoming adventures!

  149. Linda Kaiser

    Thank you for all the great videos. My husband and I are into hiking and have been getting more into the multi-day trips. My husband was always into hunting but never imagined he would have so much fun walking without a rifle in his hand, until he met me. We are mostly doing weekend things due to jobs but you certainly inspire us to get out and do more. Our goal is to section hike the OT Ouachita Trail since it is close by. We have been hiking all the trails in parks and then getting a medallion to go on a wooden hiking pole.
    Do you ever do shorter trails like this or the Ozark Highlands Trail?

    • Jessica

      Hey Linda!
      Glad y’all have enjoyed the videos—thank you for watching 🙂 That’s awesome you and your husband enjoy backpacking together and I think section hiking a local trail together sounds fun. My only two backpacking trips have been the AT and PCT, but once I finish the CDT, I’ll likely do some shorter trips. I do like day hiking, but that is somewhat limited here in Alabama. Anyway, hope y’all have fun on the OT! Let me know how it goes.

      • Linda Kaiser

        If you ever decide to come to Arkansas and go to the highest point which is Mt. Magazine let us know. They have some nice trails there and we’d love to get a chance to meet you.

  150. Sam

    Dixie: I have followed your travels on the AT and the PCT and have really enjoyed your videos. Notwithstanding the fact that I’ve camped and backpacked for over 50 years, I picked up a lot of useful info from your videos. Couple of suggestions/requestions, can we get a video on photography equipment including editing software and one on mail drop logistics and getting to the AT Springer trail head. If you have already covered thanks much.

    • Jessica

      Hey Sam!

      So glad to hear the channel content has been helpful, and I’m pleased to hear it from someone with so much experience!

      I did do a video on getting to and from the AT:

      Here is the one on mail drops:

      As far as photography equipment goes, I haven’t done a direct video, but I use my iPhone and some moment lenses. You can find those in my gear lists on this website 🙂

      Hope that helps!

      • Sam Molinari

        Thanks Dixie. Looking forward to the videos from your CDT hike (assuming the goal is 2019)

        • Jessica

          It’s 2018! Woohoo

  151. Bill

    When did you finish pct

  152. Rob Carnes

    Dixie, Are you assembling a gear list for CDT? When you do, I’m sure you’re likely to publish it on this blog or elsewhere. I’ve followed you through the PCT VLOG and would like to support you on the costs of outfitting for the CDT hike. Best, Rob Carnes

    • Jessica

      I have a wishlist on Amazon, but I think I’m pretty much set at the moment. Thank you so much for you support, though!!

  153. Jeffrey payne

    Hey Dixie!! I’m a brand new to the hiking adventure. I do live in the northern Seattle area and an blessed with lots of hiking possibilities. I LOVED watching your pct quest. It took me three days 3500ft watch it all! I’m from jonesboro arkansas and just have a southern person with a southern draw was awesome! Thank you for your efforts in sharing your adventures. I so enjoyed them

    • Jessica

      Thank you so much!

  154. Jim

    Considered posting this on one of your YouTube videos, but its general in nature and not related to any one specific video. It may have already been asked in one of the videos or even here, but your formatting for previous questions here is a bit messed up and I can’t read most of them ( may be just at my end, I don’t know ).

    Question one: Perk is obviously a big part of your trail life, having now been on two thru hikes with you. Does his quirky persona or personality ( for want of a better term , not being derogatory ) extend to his gear selections, or is he “all business” when it all comes to that issue…

    Secondly, how did your growth and development into a YouTube “personality” with your on-going YouTube postings affect your daily trail interactions with the various members of your inner group of “family” members and other hikers you encountered. After all, you started as a regular more-or-less anonymous person posting your personal journey of self-discovery on-line as I am sure thousands of people do, and you ended up with tens of thousands of on-line followers, with the numbers continuing to grow. Did they ( your trail family or other hikers you encountered ) have days where they just didn’t want to have any “screen time”, knowing that whatever you all were going through at that moment, good and/or bad,stood a good chance of being seen by tens of thousands of viewers. Or was it even something as simple as “argh, we have to stop and wait for Dixie to get her shot of ‘whatever-this-is’ so she can post it in her video later”. And did this change at all between the AT where you started out as a novice and the PCT where you started with a developed fan base…

    Too many questions, I know…..

    • Jessica

      Hey Jim! Good questions 🙂

      1) Haha, Perk is ALWAYS indecisive. He hates making decisions, so yes he is all around that way.

      2) Perk always embraces my videoing. He says he likes being indirectly famous haha. I don’t think any of us are famous, I mean it’s just a world of walkers, right? Anyway, I suppose there are times I can get a vibe that someone doesn’t necessarily want to be seen and I can understand that and respect it. In those instances I might just share what’s going on with me in those tough moments. When I meet people most of the time they don’t know I have a channel. If they don’t, then I just ask them if they mind being in videos when I realize I’ll be around them for several days or weeks. If they say no, I respect it. Most don’t seem to mind though. I think they realize what is shared might help others get out on trail!

      I hope that answers your questions!

      • Jim

        Thanks for the answers. One more question…..is Perk or anyone from your past trail families going to triple crown together with you on your next through hike? I hadn’t seen you mention anywhere if you were definitely solo’ing or going with some trusted souls.

      • Jim

        And as a side note, I didn’t know that only 196 people are officially recognized as triple crown. Interesting tidbit stat of the day I read on-line today. You’ll be in rarified company after you finish this next hike

  155. joe.capers

    Hi Dixie – Don’t know if you’ve seen this. Pretty interesting. Perhaps the best DIY pot stand I’ve seen. Later, Joe

  156. John R Foulks

    Will you be at the CDT Trails days celebration in Silver City, New Mexico this Spring? I will hopefully be there for a section hike of the CDT. If I run into you I’ll buy you a beer because I love your videos!

    • Jessica

      I didn’t even know the CDT had trail days!

    • Jessica

      I might have to look into it and take you up on that, haha!

  157. Natalie Robison

    Dear Dixie
    I have watched everything that you post and I can testify that you have inspired me to get out there and do something! I ain’t dead yet! I am older and I have plans for the AT but I am just getting started. I was wondering how you prepped for your 1st thru-hike? Books you read? Blogs that you utilized? I have found so much valuable advice in your posts , especially when I relisten and write down those tidbits of advice. I wonder if you could do it again… would carry lighter weight? I am really thinking since I am just a scrawny ole girl I might should pare down the load. Any advice would be great. Another gritty girl from the south!! Nat-chic

      • Natalie Robison

        Dear Dixie,
        Thank you for the response. I will definitely keep researching everything I can get my hands on and continue to get in touch with others who love being outside like I do. I have just felt intimidated by the newer gear and I have a fear of buying inappropriate gear that will make me uncomfortable when I carry it. I had always camped where we stayed in a base camp and came back to it each day. Then we started going on horseback, riding trails and camping like that was a different kind of experience. Hiking trails around my home and the National Forest here in Arkansas is easy. They are not difficult trails and easy drives. Most of them are loop trails and only 10 miles long at the most. What I’ve got to do is get some “real” trails under my “life experience “ categories file.
        Thank you again for responding!! Best of luck on your attempt of the CDT!! I can’t even wait for you to put a 3rd gem on your crown!!

  158. Sonny Schell

    Hi Dixie… Salamander here, you are such an intriguing woman. I am an Ohio section hiker at best. Spent a little time near the Alleghany reservoir last spring but you inspired me to catch parts of the AT this summer. I’m a disabled Vet so I’m a bit limited. Crazy about you and your “southerness”. I will follow you this summer. Best of luck, lots of fun, good health and trustworthy friends

  159. Mark

    Just finished watching the AT videos. Strange thing to feel so proud of someone you’ve never met. You did real good.

  160. steve

    Just WOW, have only just came across you’re blogs/youtube.
    absolutely amazing.

  161. Jim

    Had a somewhat serious question compared to most that you probably get. Given the “high profile” / visibility(relatively) of thru-hiking vloggers such as yourself who promote their use of the various trails around the country and encourage others to get out and use those public lands, do you get asked or do you take it upon yourself ( you or other well-known trail vloggers that you may have contact with ) to get involved in the various political issues that get raised about the role of public lands, changes/ additions to trails, etc.

    There has been quite a bit of local trail development ( nothing like the AT or other major trails , just old railbed day hike stuff, mostly) in my area in recent decades. This article
    just ran in our local paper about some trail development issues, and when I read the part of the article that mentions the park on the AT thinking about withdrawing from the AT because of issues with trail users, I have to admit that you were the first person I thought of…..

    Maybe this is a topic that you consider too serious to tackle on your site, but I was curious if you had any thoughts on the issue. I did surf through some YouTube videos where trail proponents are concerned because of the increased visibility/ public awareness/ increased use of some of the major trails in recent years due to movies, etc…

    Anyway, thanks in advance

    • Jessica

      It is unfortunate that people can’t respect the property of others. There are rude people on the trail as there are people like that in everyday life. I don’t tend to get political, but I do think folks should respect surrounding private property as they walk through on easements. Thanks for sharing the read!

  162. Paul Mills

    I have not heard you say anything about using the shelters on the AT and do you carry cash and a credit card ? If so where do you carry them. And what is a drop box ? Thanks Paul

    • Jessica

      I used them occasionally! (Shelters) I carry my cash and credit card in a small zpacks wallet. Drop box is an app I use on my phone to upload videos 🙂 Hope that helps!

  163. Sarah

    Hi Dixie!
    My friend also Dixie, recommended me to check out your blog and videos since I am about to go on my first thru-hike. Videos and blogs really helped me think over my own gear and how to plan for my trip this summer! I’ll be hiking the Colorado Trail and might run into you! Happy trails and thank you for sharing your experiences!

  164. Kyle

    Hi Dixie,

    A few friends and I are aiming to do a 3-day hike on the AT in Georgia this spring break (early March). Do you have any recommendations on a certain route and anything we should be aware of? As of now, we were considering starting at Woody Gap and going to Blood Mountain. I would appreciate any advice!

    • Jessica

      Sorry I’m just seeing this, Kyle! Did y’all go? Hope you had a great time!

  165. Texas Roaming Soul

    Jessica. Planning to section hike Springer to Davenport may 15 to may 31. First hiking journey. “Old guy”. 52. You’ve completely inspired me. You’re cool. Genuinely. Would love to hire you as a guide. What say you?

    • Jessica

      I’m hiking the CDT this year! Thank you for thinking of me, though, and I hope you have a great time!

  166. Frederick Grotz

    I found your videos by accident and I have seen almost all of them. I feel like i`m hiking along with all of you guys on the trail. I live in NJ and I will walk the AT a little next week to feel a kinship with all of those who came before me.Sort of like a pilgrimage!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

  167. Geargrinder

    Just recently found your videos and binge watched all of your AT videow, and am currently about halfway through the PCT series.

    I’m loving the PCT series, but as a western Nevada native it had bugged me when you say “Sierra’s”. It is only “Sierra”. You can only plural mountains. And like most every easterner, you are saying Nevada wrong. “Nev-AD-a,” not “Nev-AH-da”.

    Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see CDT.

    • Jessica

      We will have to agree to disagree on this. People say, “Rockies,” “Cascades,” and, yes, “Sierras.” Also, plenty of people around the country pronounce many words differently including, “Nevada.”

      If communication is made and people know what one another mean, I think that’s a pretty good start. I hope you enjoy the videos enough to hang around anyway! I do appreciate your support 🙂

      • Geargrinder

        Oh, I’m not going anywhere. I love your video’s and will continue to watch as long as you post them.

        I just wanted to share with you how we say it here. I wouldn’t argue with you on how to pronounce Opelika. I certainly wouln’t tell you it’s correct because that’s also how people say it somewhere else.

        • Edog

          One of the most inspiring things about Dixie for me is how she has applied the “hike your own hike” motto to life in general. Language is constantly evolving through usage, and “rules” are temporary. When Dixie eats “ray-mon” in the Sierras, we do understand–and as she pointed out, communication is the important start.
          BTW, as of now there is no apostrophe in a non possessive plural– such as “videos” or “Sierras”, but I’m open to the possibility that as millions of people ignore that rule, it will pass away.

  168. Amy

    I am looking at hiking a section of the AT with my 12 year old son this year. Any sigggestions for me?

    • Jessica

      Hey Amy! That’s AWESOME. I recommend reading some trail journals of people who have hiked with children.

      Here is a family I hiked around:

      Hope that helps lead you in the right direction!

  169. sethpace

    I help run a Venture Crew and we have been watching a few of your videos to help the young hikers get ready for their first trek (the hygiene video answered so many questions for them). Thank you for helping inspire and encourage the young men and women in the crew.

    • Jessica

      Yayyyy! So happy to hear that.

  170. Todd

    Jessica. My last post got moderated away…not sure why.

    In any event, lust finished episode 13 on pct. excited to see sierras. You truly are amazing.

    So I’m 52 and just discovered hinkimg in past year with second home purchase in Asheville. Austin Texas is home.

    You’ve inspired me to do the AT. Will have to do sections due to time.

    Will start Section 1 may 16 from springer to davenport. Hope to get it in with 15 days.

    Any chance you’d share with me your itenerary for that 243 mile section? Onernight points. Resupply points. Etc.

    Thanks in advance.

    A fan.

    • Jessica

      Hey Todd! I have all my dates and places I camped but I’m out of town right now and they are packed away. I recommend getting the Guthooks app to see best recommendations for resupply. As far as mileage goes I did about 7-10 miles the first week. Kept slowly building up after that. Didn’t get my first 20+ until going into Hot Springs, NC. I hope that helps!

      I’m glad to hear you’re getting out there and whooping it piece by piece. Enjoy every moment! Happy Trails 🙂


      • Todd

        Amazing. I was on Guthook when I got notification you responded! Watched you pct episode today where the 4 guys came along in the sierras at just the right time. You’re such an inspiration and your vlogs are well done. You don’t let things phase you. It’s infectious. Thanks. More questions to come. I need to send $ to support what ur doing.

  171. Will Skinner

    Hey “Dixie”, I recently ran across you videos while researching some vacation ideas and I must say that it is truly inspiring to see someone enjoying life to its fullest as you do. My wife and I live just north of Birmingham and we go out day hiking a few of the local park trails, we have even done a short section of the AT. We have always dreamed of being able to just take off and do a thru hike and maybe someday we will. But until then we are enjoying binge watching your videos. Keep up the good work and keep enjoying life. Your gear recommendations are very helpful as well. Lots of good, well informed information. Thanks for the inspiration. WAR EAGLE

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Will! WAR EAGLE to y’all 🙂

  172. Daniel

    So are you doing the CDT this year or not? Or are you just to busy/leaving now to update us? What happens to your micro greens business when you are gone?

    • Jessica

      Still doing it! Micros stop when I leave 🙂

  173. Craig

    I don’t know if I am the only person curious about this; Would you be able to post something on Perk’s gear list for the AT/PCT and CDT (including clothes/hat) either as a video, blog post, or even just a link?

    • Jessica

      I can probably do something like this! He will be here in town before long and will want to weigh all his stuff.

  174. Haakon

    Wow, Jessica!
    I just found your channel a few days ago, and I’m really impressed by your attitude, your capacity to explore and create content, and the progression in your hiking skills – it’s very inspiring!
    I’m a Norwegian that used to hike a fair bit a few years back, but was caught up by family life, work and all of that. Your videos really inspire me to get back onto the trail, at least domestically, but hopefully abroad as well. Some day.

  175. Tom

    Someone may have already wrote you about this but I saw how bumed out you were when you deleted your Crator Lake videos in error. I know the importance of photos. I digitized family videos from 1955(I was 5) and passed them down to my kids.
    Are you aware that when you delete videos, etc on an iPhone that they are moved to a deleted folder for about 40 days. You may need to have cloud backup turned on but that can be set to wifi only. Also if you install Google Photos on your phone it will automatically backup when you open the app. That too can be set to wifi only. Dropbox can also be setup to automaticly backup photos when open. Finally with IOS 11, you can buy a USB type stick that has a lightning connector so you can backup to that on the trail too. Spend a little extra and get a good USB stick. Some of the ones on Amazon aren’t reliable. Remeber your photos are worth the expense. Good luck on the CDT!!

  176. Joseph

    Did you count how many rattlesnakes you encounteredon PCT?

      • Tim Flinders

        Isn’t wearing hiking shorts through rattlesnake country a bit dangerous? I worry about you . . .

        • Jessica

          Not any more dangerous than hiking pants. They can bite through those!

          • Tim Flinders

            But what about the deer ticks…..? You walk through some high grass at times . .?

          • Jessica

            I haven’t had a tick attached in all my thru-hikes. It does happen, just carry tweezers.

  177. JOhn

    Have you ever thought about building a Wanderlust brand of hiking/camping products? You could make it a huge success with your experiences and that amazing, genuine personality. You also have a huge fan base. If you have never considered it…you should.
    Looking forward to following your journey on the CDT! GOOD LUCK!

  178. Jarrett

    Have you guys started the CDT yet? Look forwRd to the blog and YouTube vids!

    • Jessica

      Yep! We are out and about

  179. Ass gasket

    Thoroughly enjoyed your videos. I first hiked the Wa PCT SOBO in 1979. Took my time, 70 days, with a 50-70 lb pack. Then Or in 1980. Now I hike several days a week in the cold wet spring and fall nw weather. All conditions are wonderful.
    Glad to see your gear change with the weather in Wa. Remember after every storm there is sunshine eventually. Ice axe, traks, and rope skills come in handy occasionally too. Many is a time others have turned back, when it’s really no problem for the prepared.
    Best of luck on the CNT! Do you have any sponsors?

  180. Lisa Cowan

    Hi Dixie,

    I am excited to see your adventures on the CDT! I have now been following your videos for about a year and watching your journey along the PCT was really inspiring and helped me during a time i was struggling to get out into the great outdoors. Thank you. Plus a brilliant way for me to see, learn and enjoy the views on the PCT – I am looking forwards to seeing the CDT.

    I describe your channel to my friends as a visual library with an inspiring host. I would love to visit and explore more of the USA but life commitments and money mainly limit this so its brilliant that you can help me see the nature, wildlife and landscape. A mini ‘mind break’ to look forwards to and get me excited for my own trips into the outdoors here in Scotland and beyond.

    Good luck on your CDT hike and keep up your work!


    • Jessica

      Awww, thank you for the kind words Lisa! So glad you’ve found the content helpful. Cheers to a fellow nature lover 🙂

  181. trevor vanderpol

    Hello Dixie
    When you see everything out there do you entertain the thought of a creator ? What your doing is about as close to Eden as we can come .

    • Jessica

      I contemplate allll sorts of things!

  182. Dan

    Hi Dixie,
    your videos are fun and informative, I’ve learned a lot from them !
    Triple crown ! What an elite group to part of ! Rooting for your success on the CDT ! 🙂
    I was born and raised in Wyoming and live in Florida now, you will have some truly awesome scenery as well as some chilly nights In Wyoming even in the summer.
    In one of your videos I thought you mentioned you had a “long” sleeping
    bag, are you a tall person ? Or is there a reason I don’t know about as not so tall (5’-5”) person to have the extra space ? Do you keep other items in it with you to keep them warm ?

    • Jessica

      Hey Dan! I’m 5’8”…I believe my Zpacks sleeping bag is long and slim. Most companies will list the suggested lengths for certain heights. You want it to come up to your ears or so (is what is recommended. Hope that helps! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the videos 🙂

  183. Stewart McGuire

    My wife and I just finished watching your PCT thru-hike! We were amazed at all the different types of areas that you hiked through! We are in our early 50s and are gearing up to do our first backpack trip. We are planning to start small with the Northville-Placid Trail in the Adirondacks in upstate NY. The NPT is only 138 miles. Small compared to the AT or the PCT! Someday, when my daughter has graduated college and we retire, we want to do the AT! We have made that promise to each other. We live in CT about an hour from the AT here and have hiked parts of it in NY and CT. We are thinking about getting involved in the Trail Angel program. How does one get involved in that, anyway? Through the AMC? Or just show up at the right time of year to any road crossing of the AT and wait for thru-hikers to pass by?

    • Jessica

      As far as I know, there isn’t any organization that heads it. Most of the folks I met just showed up! If you hit a road crossing in prime hiker season you’ll intersect some hikers. You can always joint the “AT Class of 2018” or current year and find out where the bubble is 🙂 Congrats on your upcoming AT hike! It may be a ways out, but planning never happens to early. It’s so sweet that you’re interested in trail magic. That’s so kind of y’all 🙂

    • Jim

      You could also hit the Finger Lakes Trail and/or the North Country Trail since you’re here in NYS anyways. I don’t think that the whole trail angel activity exists much outside of the sphere of the larger popular trails where it’s a known “thing”

  184. Jeff Flatness

    It is so much fun hearing about your trips and gear/equipment talks. Have you ever done a video about what you eat and how you cook it? I will keep looking.


  185. Daniel

    If you ever come hike the NCT in Michigan I will be your trail angel.

  186. Robert Winkler Burke

    Here is a poem for you, Dixie. It is from Walter Starr Jr., a man who wrote a guide to hiking the John Muir Trail… Of all the peace on earth there’s none Like evening in my campfire’s gleam, No shrine like God’s own starlit dome Nor wine like water from a stream. What song like sylvan solitude Stirred softly by the snow-kissed breeze, Or water-ouzel’s sweet notes tuned To swirling streams glad melodies? Lure of Sierra, wild and free, Jewels deep-set in shining skies, Defiant mountains beckon me lb glory and dream in their paradise. … Walter A. Starr, Jr.

    Something to think about, on and off the trail. How do you like it?

  187. Dan

    Hi “Dixie” ,
    Thanks for the sleeping bag tip… I think I’m gonna go for the western mountaineering Versalight 10 degree in a short length
    Hope the CD trail is being kind to you all 🙂 , safe travels and don’t forget some lotion ….wyoming IS the driest state in the country.

  188. Tim

    Dixie: Are you going to be posting vlogs on this trip?

  189. Michael

    Hi Dixie, i’m curious about what piece of equipment you use to hold your cphone when you are walking down the trail and recording. Also, what tripod do you use? Thanks and good luck on the CDT.

    • Jessica

      I use my hand! Haha. The tripod I use is in my gear lists. Just go to the gear tabs. I’m back to the one I used on the PCT 🙂

  190. John McWhorter

    Been following your videos for about a year now. Love them! Never knew until now about Auburn / Opelika. I graduated from Auburn in Textile Engineering. From Alexander City(about 45 min north near Lake Martin). Keep the videos coming! WAR EAGLE!!

  191. Steve Spurrier

    Hi Dixie,
    I’m glad to see that you got started. It’s an exciting time for you! I hope you have a safe and enjoyable hike. Our offer to show you some “trail magic” in Wyoming still stands if you would like to take us up on it. I’m assuming that would be some time in July. But keep us posted. Enjoy the views and the wildlife and we will continue to watch your amazing adventure! Talk to you soon!

  192. Todd Engek

    Dixie. Know you are majorly focused on cdt. If no time to answer no worries. Doing springer to Davenport in 3 weeks. Doing u tube to see if any traction. Ramble On. Majotlrly tiring in to HW and you. Got knife with logo from Patrick. Lots of cross ref. Question. How did you deal with food Resupply between Neel Gap and Nantahala River (100 miles). Did u hitch the 22 miles round in Hiawassee? If so, how easy?
    Hope to talk with u at some point.
    Ramble On in Austin, Tx.

    • Jessica

      Hey there! That’s awesome, thank you for your support 🙂 I did hitch into Hiawassee and got picked up the first vehicle I thumbed! People around there know what’s going on so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Good luck!

  193. Ass gasket

    Saw the photo of cracked feet. To repair dry foot cracks try Amlactin. Twice a day if feet are cracked or cracking, and once a day to keep feet perfect. It’s the best product I’ve every used for this problem.

  194. Jonnie

    I just started watching your videos (only a few episodes in your AT hike). I enjoy watching your adventures and meeting your fam. Good luck on the CDT and I can’t wait to see more content! War Damn Eagle!

  195. Jesse

    Hey Dixie.

    Thank you for your great videos and the great info you share. I might have heard wrong but thought you said you might post your position using inreach in real time. Maybe it’s the cop in me but for your safety I would advise against it. Also I had a safety question abou